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Jan 13, 2006
Once again, inaccurate statements. I slam intolerant Arabs who spit hate at the rest of the world.

I am living in a Muslim country, so I dress conservatively and am respectful. I am learning about the language, religion and culture. Unlike some who stereotype about the West, I don't paint all Arabs as evil terrorists.

I have not said anything to attack any Emirati or other Arab: I only point out that those who spend all their time hating and believing the warped propaganda that religious fanatics tell them are sad and mislead.

My views are not going to be popular with hateful people, but hey, this isn't a popularity contest.

Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jan 13, 2006
kanelli wrote:Once again, inaccurate statements. I slam intolerant Arabs who spit hate at the rest of the world.

I am living in a Muslim country, so I dress conservatively and am respectful. I am learning about the language, religion and culture. Unlike some who stereotype about the West, I don't paint all Arabs as evil terrorists.

I have not said anything to attack any Emirati or other Arab: I only point out that those who spend all their time hating and believing the warped propaganda that religious fanatics tell them are sad and mislead.

My views are not going to be popular with hateful people, but hey, this isn't a popularity contest.

Inaccurate for you wish to see things that way.

As for stereotyping the west. I would suggest you read some of my posts. Let me repeat myself for you since you cannot read well.

I said earlier today the following --> Many westerners I cannot stand because of my experiences with them. However there are quite a few very nice, warm, and friendly ones that I like and get along well. As such I wish them no ill will and God's protection Inshallah.

Your views?? Go tell that to all the Arabs who suffer because of US foreign policy either directly or indirectly and see what they think of your American "utopia".
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Jan 13, 2006
I hate US foreign policy, and I don't think the US is a utopia by any means! Did you read my initial post?

You are the one says that you spit on the US and Israel. I won't even get into a discussion about Israel because I know it is sensitive and I understand both sides of the conflict and why there is continued hate. However, the US is made up of people and if you are spitting on the US, you are spitting on the people.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jan 13, 2006
kanelli wrote:I hate US foreign policy, and I don't think the US is a utopia by any means! Did you read my initial post?

You are the one says that you spit on the US and Israel. I won't even get into a discussion about Israel because I know it is sensitive and I understand both sides of the conflict and why there is continued hate. However, the US is made up of people and if you are spitting on the US, you are spitting on the people.

Dude it is you that doesn't read my posts properly.

On many an occasion I stated that when I refer to the US, I refer to the government, the evangilicals, and likeminded folk. Now do you follow? :shock:
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Jan 13, 2006
Technically the government is elected by the people, although it does seem that elected officials are acting on their own behalf once in office. They just steer the people to think how they want them to. I think the Americans (and probably citizens from many other democratic countries) are too trusting and blind when it comes to their elected officials. Bad governments should be voted out, but it hasn't happened yet in the US.

Speaking of evangelicals, did you read the 7 Days from yesterday? Two articles on two crack-pots - Abu Hamza and Pat Robertson. The world would be a better place without those guys poisoning people's minds.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jan 14, 2006
kanelli wrote:Technically the government is elected by the people, although it does seem that elected officials are acting on their own behalf once in office. They just steer the people to think how they want them to. I think the Americans (and probably citizens from many other democratic countries) are too trusting and blind when it comes to their elected officials. Bad governments should be voted out, but it hasn't happened yet in the US.

Speaking of evangelicals, did you read the 7 Days from yesterday? Two articles on two crack-pots - Abu Hamza and Pat Robertson. The world would be a better place without those guys poisoning people's minds.

I agree with you 100% on the first paragraph.

As per the 7 Days article, I did not read it. I have heard of the latter, only because he is pissed that Israel returned a tiny bit of the Arab lands it stole in 1967, so Israel banned him...

See dude, we can have conflicting thoughts... 8)

My invitation to a sit down and to discuss why I say (on the political level) what I say still stands.
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Jan 14, 2006
sniper is not a muslim?!?!
had me fooled!
As for Sheikh Abu Hamza, I think he voices alot of muslims opinions,
he and his family have done more good than bad,
once again the media has turned him into something he is not.
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Jan 14, 2006
shaakira wrote:sniper is not a muslim?!?!
had me fooled!
As for Sheikh Abu Hamza, I think he voices alot of muslims opinions,
he and his family have done more good than bad,
once again the media has turned him into something he is not.

Sniper is not Muslim at all. I suspect he is either a Zoroaster or a Jew.

What is the deal with Abu Hamza... I don't follow...

Someone enlighten me... :?
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Jan 14, 2006
Sheikh Abu Hamza Al Masri,
read all about it !
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Jan 14, 2006
kanelli wrote:
Liban wrote:
kanelli wrote:
The Arab nation stabs its own people and is bitterly divided because of religious and political factions. The Arab nation has stabbed Israel, just as Israel has stabbed it. Neither one should be claiming moral superiority.

In case you haven't noticed Liban, the UAE wants the West to be involved in its development.

1) The Arab people who are the children of the Arab Nation are united. I get along with all Arabs and them with me. We are one.

2) Arabs never stabbed Israel... I dunno what you are talking about.

3) The UAE wants the West to invest for its money of course. But just because I allow you to buy something of mine or borrow it for money doesn't mean I love you... When the UAE has had enough of the West it will disgard it like dirty socks.

All three statements are false.

I certainly hope you won't be returning to Canada. It is a country that needs people who are tolerant of other cultures. You are best to stay in an Arab country and don't buy anything made in the West, or created with Western technology, lest you be considered a hypocrite. :lol:

Well said, Liban is one of those old days fools who talks so much but when it comes to action it's so little. U r in UAE under the veil of Canadian passsport and bcos of that u get high wages. If u had come from Lebanon directly to UAE, I bet by Jove, u would have got lower wage compared to a Canadian. Now tell moi where is the love between the Arabs
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Jan 14, 2006
Liban wrote:
kanelli wrote:
Liban wrote:What is created by Western "technology" is OK to use for the following reason. The Arabs launched the western development movement back from the time of the rennaissance, so no, it is not being a hypocrite.

Very humourous. I suppose there has to be an excuse for Arabs who hate the West to continue to suck up Western culture and buy and use Western-made products and technology. :)

Why don't you just leave Dubai.... Because quite honestly you keep slamming Arabs and Arabs are the owners of these lands which provide expats with good money and decent that many would never see in their own Welfare States.

Who is the hypocrite? Now thats humorous :lol:

alrite Kanelli said "Arabs who hate West" now Arabs here love the West. Go to a store and get 10 local arabs. Give em to choose arab made "Kun Kun" sauce and West made Heinz sauce, i bet by Jove atleast 8 will choose Heinz. Kanelli doesnt complain about the arab culture and crap so she isnt hypocrite. U Liban holly crap, I bet by Jove ur ass was under non-Arab made chair while writing those hyprocrital comments. Arnie toooooo bad being a Brit u dont even get the argument. Tres mal...... :lol:
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Jan 14, 2006
Liban wrote:
shaakira wrote:sniper is not a muslim?!?!
had me fooled!
As for Sheikh Abu Hamza, I think he voices alot of muslims opinions,
he and his family have done more good than bad,
once again the media has turned him into something he is not.

Sniper is not Muslim at all. I suspect he is either a Zoroaster or a Jew.

What is the deal with Abu Hamza... I don't follow...

Someone enlighten me... :?

Sniper throws his sniper rifle and takes double barrel shotgun and smashes Liban's head like water melon. Blashpemous brat! Shakira when did I fool u? and y isnt a non-Muslim a bro? I have seen many so-called muslims like Liban do faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar worse things than non-Muslims. If anytime they would legalize the punishment given to a traiter during the Dark Ages. I bet by Jove, I would have Liban wiped 121 lashes, drag him around the town with bunch of donkeys, put him in 55 degree water, flay him alive and when the heeart is still beating , take out the heart and show to everbody, cut his head and put it in the gates of city so as a warning and give the body to dog food processing company. :evil:
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Jan 14, 2006
shaakira wrote:Sheikh Abu Hamza Al Masri,
read all about it !

Interesting reading...
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Jan 14, 2006
directly to UAE, I bet by Jove, u

sauce, i bet by Jove atleast 8 will choose Heinz

crap, I bet by Jove ur a#s was

Ages. I bet by Jove, I would have Liban wiped

Who's "Jove"?
Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Jan 14, 2006
Its a sort of english "slang" phrase Linda

Used many years ago by the "upper classes" ,"by jove" was pronounced in a rather superior upper class sort of tone.

I think it eminates from /linked to Jehova, however not in a relious form i may add lol.

It was used in relation to a response in converstion meaning "shock,horror or surprise"

It is not really used nowadays, but you will hear it used in old English films.

One of the quirky saying /meanings in our language i'm affraid lol
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Jan 15, 2006
arniegang wrote:Its a sort of english "slang" phrase Linda

Used many years ago by the "upper classes" ,"by jove" was pronounced in a rather superior upper class sort of tone.

I think it eminates from /linked to Jehova, however not in a relious form i may add lol.

It was used in relation to a response in converstion meaning "shock,horror or surprise"

It is not really used nowadays, but you will hear it used in old English films.

One of the quirky saying /meanings in our language i'm affraid lol

Another meaning of God
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Jan 15, 2006
Liban wrote:
Your views?? Go tell that to all the Arabs who suffer because of US foreign policy either directly or indirectly and see what they think of your American "utopia".

Once upon a time there was a really nasty man. His name was Saddam. He was the boss of a big country called Iraq. This is a place where lots of Arabs live. It used to be called many many years and a long time ago Arabia. There is a story you children might have heard about a nice man called Ali Baba - and he had a majic carpet, but he was not friends of another nice man called Aladin, and he had a majic lamp.

Ohhh we have gone off the story children, sorry.

Anyway, this nasty man Saddam who was the boss of all the Arabs in the big country called Iraq, said to his people one day.

"I am a big Chief Arab, and i want to beat up some other Arab Countries". so the other people said "Ohhh big chief Saddam, we dont know which country to beat up".

Then one little man who was a smaller big chief Arab called Chemical Ali, said to the people "Ohhhhhhhh i know, we can go and beat up a very little Arab Country called Kuwait".

Ahhhhhhhh the people shouted, "lets go and invade them then, shall we?".

Then the big nasty man Saddam said "yes, we will do that, its a really good idea, and Kuwait wont be able to defend themselves, and.... they have got lots of oil"

One of the crowd shouted "what is oil?". Nasty Saddam replied "ohhh my friends, oil is magic black fluid, it is very good because we can have lots of money, when we sell it"

Another man in the crowd shouted "goodie does that mean we can buy lots of nice things like extra food and nice clothes and yummy things"?

Suddenly, the big nasty man called Saddam, shouted at the crowd in a very nasty voice " NOOOOOO we will NOT buy NICE things, we will buy lots of grown up toys like big aeroplanes and big guns"

"Why not nice yummy things?" shouted a small boy from the back,

Saddam shouted back "becuase i want those big nasty toys to hurt other Arab countries with, thats why!".

So the next day the big nasty man called Saddam, called all his big brave Chief soldiers, into his house and said

"ok men today we are going on a little trip and taking our Army into the little Arab country called Kuwait".

One of the Chief soldiers said

"Mr Saddam why are we going to do this, they wont just let us in and take all their magic oil will they?, and dont forget they are Arabs?"

The big nasty Saddam looked at him with his very nasty eyes and shouted

"shut up you stupid little man, i am the boss, you will do whatever i say or i will cut your head off"

All the room went silent.

Later on that day all the nasty man's nasty army went into the little place called Kuwait. When the really nice people shouted "no go away you nasty men", the nasty men got even nastier, and then used their really nasty toys called guns and shot the really nice people of Kuwait.

The rest is History children
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Jan 15, 2006
shaakira wrote:sniper is not a muslim?!?!
had me fooled!
As for Sheikh Abu Hamza, I think he voices alot of muslims opinions,
he and his family have done more good than bad,
once again the media has turned him into something he is not.

Do me a favour!

Abu Hamza is a disgrace! He was living in the UK sponging off the Government for years, living in a house costing a fortune with his family for nothing at the tax payers expense. He was illegally claiming benefits, and was allowed to spout his views of hatred outside the Finsbury park mosque. He was quite happy to condone the killing of innocents in all the suicide attacks in the UK and other countries. The guy is chicken sh** living in luxury in the UK whilst saying how much he hated the place, well he didn't go to an Arab country did he? What a hypocrite!

The man is where he belongs, behind bars, facing charges of assisting terrorists and inciting racial hatred.

Bakri is just as bad, he's another one who lives the life of Riley in the UK, went to Lebanon, got arrested and kicked out - also facing charges.

People like this are a total disgrace to muslims and anyone who supports them is totally blinded and brainwashed by them.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 15, 2006
Going back ON topic!

Everyone is entitled to a little fun. It's only music. It's things like this that need to be re-addressed by many people. Some things just aren't condusive to 21st century living, we're not living in the dark ages.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 15, 2006
Its a sort of english "slang" phrase Linda

Used many years ago by the "upper classes" ,"by jove" was pronounced in a rather superior upper class sort of tone.

I think it eminates from /linked to Jehova, however not in a relious form i may add lol.

It was used in relation to a response in converstion meaning "shock,horror or surprise"

It is not really used nowadays, but you will hear it used in old English films.

One of the quirky saying /meanings in our language i'm affraid lol

Aww thank you Arnie, that was a quick reply (only 15-16 minutes!! You must spend a lot of your spare time on the PC!). I was beginning to think that you (and the majority of "us") were ignoring my posts, but thanks for setting me straight :)
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Jan 15, 2006
Linda_Stuiv wrote:Who's "Jove"?

Crusty english snob expression.... Today its not used and sounds plain gay... Sniper420 is probably trying to tell us something by using that word :P
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Jan 15, 2006
arniegang wrote:[

Once upon a time there ....

Whats your point here? Oh thats right, you have no point as usual.
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Jan 16, 2006
[quote="kanelli"][quote="Liban"]What is created by Western "technology" is OK to use for the following reason. The Arabs launched the western development movement back from the time of the rennaissance, so no, it is not being a hypocrite.[/quote]

Very humourous. I suppose there has to be an excuse for Arabs who hate the West to continue to suck up Western culture and buy and use Western-made products and technology. :)[/quote]

Hey, we gave you 'westerners' jobs, business opportunities, and a safe haven to live in!

Funny, all you low life racist have the audacity to insult us in our own country! Your kind will simply will not learn - Don't bite the hand that Feeds You. And don't think you’re scarce; in fact many of you are very disposable! If you have a problem with my country, my religion, or my other fellow Arabs just do yourself a favor and get the hell out!

Thousand just like you are waiting in line to have the opportunity to SERVE us!

Bothers you what I'm saying huh, poor thing - Not used to Arab speaking to you this way huh. Get one thing in your thick head - your kind gave us nothing, we ever we have he Bought from you so get over your colonial attitude.

To others reading my comments, if you respect our traditions, culture, and way of life we have absolutely no problems or issues with you – just please do not try to impose what you view as ‘western values’ in our country as we do not share the same principles – that’s doesn’t mean we can’t respect each other, In fact we always welcome those who come to us in respect.
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Jan 16, 2006
I dislike the tone, but I agree with the content.

Now before anyone jumps to the fray: If a European/American tells a rude/disrespectful immigrant/foreigner that the EU is sponsoring/feeding him/her, then it would be completely accepted and normal.

Yet now that samy said the same, just wait for the fervent attacks, how dare you insult "westerners" ? :)

I admire people who say it like it is.
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Jan 16, 2006
I agree with the content too.
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Jan 16, 2006
I'm really tired of people assuming that as a Westerner I can't handle any negative comments from an Arab or whoever. I don't treat Arabs or any other group of people different than another. Your comments only reveal your ingorance about Westerns. Not every individual on this planet is the same - so quit the stereotyping. It looks to me like you are the kind of person that can't handle a negative comment by a Westerner.

As I have said previously, I am very respectful as an expat here, and I dress and act according to the culture and the people. Other expats might be rude, but I am not.

My comment to Liban and other extreme Arabs who spit hate at the West is to mind that they don't act like hypocrits by picking and choosing what they want from Western culture and technology and then claiming to loathe the West to much.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jan 16, 2006
I love it how I am still being called an extremist... Must make real extremists chuckle at the thought... 8)
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Jan 16, 2006
Sorry, Liban - I keep saying extremist because so far you and Jamal seem to be the ones with the most extreme views here.

Maybe if I knew what your defition of extremist is I can refer to you differently.
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Jan 16, 2006
I'm really tired of people assuming that as a Westerner I can't handle any negative comments from an Arab or whoever. I don't treat Arabs or any other group of people different than another. Your comments only reveal your ingorance about Westerns. Not every individual on this planet is the same - so quit the stereotyping. It looks to me like you are the kind of person that can't handle a negative comment by a Westerner.


My comment to Liban and other extreme Arabs who spit hate at the West is to mind that they don't act like hypocrits by picking and choosing what they want from Western culture and technology and then claiming to loathe the West to much.

This is the most mediocre arguement of our time (And I truly mean no offence.

Science and technology do not "Belong" to the East or West, or South or North. Science/Technology is a living body of accumulative knowledge that everybody contributes to, and therefore, no body can claim "ownership" over it.

The journey of science/technology (which translates as products) has started from Ancient Times, and every contributing civilization -in return- has the right to brag. Everybody bragging about the exact same thing is stupid.

Therefore, if you're bragging about the West's achievements (or even mentioning something as a "Western" Achievement) infers that you are not aware of the common sense principles I stated in the above paragraphs.

I contend that a good deal of the scientists/researchers coming up with the newest advances, are not Western at all, what difference does it make?

You'd probably say: "Oh well, they might not be western, but they were recognized and nurtured in the West, therefore the Western system is superior"

Also a logical fallacy, The West happens to hold the superior position in Science and technology right now, but it wasn't always that way, and it will not remain this way either.

When Liban voices his "loathing" it is not of the West as a whole, but of :

1-The policies practiced by most Western Governments towards this are aof the world (and bear in mind that they're democratic, therefore blaming the western populations -which he did not do- would not be unfair).

2-The Western social system (which -let's face it- is decaying/decayed by any standard). Now that's the West's business, but when the West tries to shove that exact same decaying system down the rest of the world's throat, you can expect some resistance and bitterness.

What does that have to do with buying products? wheres the connection?

Europeans loathed the Islamic Empire, but yet spent decades studying the scrolls and books muslims left behind in Spain (Andalucia), does that make them hypocrites?

And this "loathing" is by no means exclusive to the Arab/Islamic world. I've heard people saying the same thing in Japan, China..etc. Even people in EUROPE are bitching about the American way of life forcing its way and eradicating the unique european identities. (Look me in the eye and tell me I'm wrong).

The great shadow of the Israel/Palestine conflict also looms and increases the tension. So please understand, before you jump to label someone an "extremist" just because he/she doesn't really like what you're used to.
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Jan 16, 2006
Okay Linda, fair argument. Perhaps I was over-generalising about what hating the West should mean in one's behaviour, including the products and services they use.

I'm a huge believer about what you said about not stuffing culture and values down other people's throats. Unfortunately, this is happening on both sides. For example, you have religious clerics like Abu Hamza saying that Islam should take over the West, and you have the West trying to force democracy on countries that aren't ready for it. Both are unfair and unrealistic.
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