Before You Start Business In Dubai? Please Read,

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Before you start business in dubai? please read, Sep 18, 2006
for everyone to know before you start business you have to follow this
plane/ what is a succesfull business?
1-business plan(what kind of business? internationl?internal?,,,,,,,,more
2-risk level(you have to know the % of risk-level of risk
3-succes % of the business(min you need %70) you need calculate.
eg: how many customer per day-month-year year salary-product+staff=?
4-compotition(if to many compotition don't do it) eg: how many company or restaurant or cafe are your compotition in ur area.
5-organisation (business+staff)
6-Ad (tv ad+local AD) let everyone know that you open the business
7-don,t forget that cheap price means lower level business.

also you have to know market budget. in dubai %90 of the small business closing down. like cafe+restaurant+shops. why? they don,t follow this business plan. eg. someone from india comes to ddubai open shop(chicken curry) they don,t know about the market or business plane. also they don,t know about how many other chicken curry around him, after months they don,t make enough money , sooo there is risk. they don,t fix the risk , because they don,t know how? and when? so end up with losing money and alot of stress. every day business gets opened and next month closing down,

also good business is never for sale. bad business alltime for sale,
making money is very hard, losing money is very easy.

Dubai Forums Member
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Sep 18, 2006
These gems needs to be engraved on the walls of harvard business school
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Sep 19, 2006
now we have read about compotition its time to lock

:lol: :lol:
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