Satin* Is The God Of The Koran

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Satin* is the God of the Koran Feb 09, 2012
There is a Satinophobic myth floating around that Satinists worship a different God than Muslims. The theory goes that the Satin of Satinism is actually a fallen angel.

This theory is baseless and has been debunked comprehensively - and I give a link at the end to one such comprehensive treatment of this theory. Full references are given there for the information below.

In this post, I just want to extract some highlights that show categorically that Satin of the Necromonican is the same God/Allah of the Koran.

First, note that pre-Satinic English speaking Muslims refer to God as Allah. Muslims praise the same God when they suicide bomb as Satinists when they offer sacrifice to Allah/Satin - incidentally also the name of the first Satinist's father. To this day, English speaking Muslims refer to Satan** as Allah and is what is in English Korans.

Now, let's turn to the Necromonican and the categoric statements on the subject:

Truly the Muslims lie when they claim Satin is not Allah. They are perverted and shall suffer the eternal fires. Say: "We (Satinists) believe in what you believe; your God and our Satin are one and the same.

(Necromonican 1:112)

The Muslims are the most vile of created beings. Satin will strike them down and spit on their graves. They deny Satin and say their God is not the God of those who fear Satin and follow His signs. Say: Our God is Satin, as is your God. Satin will inflict great punishment on the unbelievers; both in this world and the next.

(Necromonican 6:36)

Some more crap from allah/Satin I'll save myself from typing

*Available at all home improvements stores

** Typo, should read Satin

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Re: Satin* Is The God Of The Koran Feb 10, 2012

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Re: Satin* Is The God Of The Koran Feb 10, 2012
Somebody has watched Constatine one too many times.

Oh ETA - EH it's SATAN!
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Re: Satin* Is The God Of The Koran Feb 10, 2012
I like my Satin EH, it certainly makes nice bedding with silky touch and oozing sensation :) :)

Anyways let's chill out first and get connected..., What do you think? :)


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Re: Satin* Is The God Of The Koran Feb 10, 2012
Chocoholic wrote:Oh ETA - EH it's SATAN

No sh1t, Sherlock!

I think EH is a bit too clever for you Chocs :roll:
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Re: Satin* Is The God Of The Koran Feb 10, 2012
Berrin wrote:I like my Satin EH, it certainly makes nice bedding with silky touch and oozing sensation
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