My Husband Has Been Offered A Job In Dubai..HELP!!!...

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My Husband has been offered a job in Dubai..HELP!!!... Oct 17, 2005
My Husband has been offered a job in Dubai, and really wants to give it a go. We have two young little girls aged 3yrs and the other 18months, my worries are : is there enough for me and the girls to do during the day whilst my husband is working ( apparantly they have a long working day out there ), and is there clubs for ex-pats, and groups for my children to go to.I have sooooo many questions, but i dont know who to ask, until that is i found this website. So i hope i get some nice honest replies, with some really good feed back. He has been offered accom. either in town or out of town(which is better). I hope to here from somebody real soon.Also does it get relly hot out there ?? ( i guess it does ) ....

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Dubai Oct 18, 2005

There is a lot to do if you are the outdoorsy type. The beaches in Dubai are nice. There is sunlight all year round for those who like sun bathing etc. Good clubs offering all the facilities i;e, Tennis, Squash, Gym, Bar, restaurant etc etc.

It does get pretty hot here in the summers. May-September are the hottest months. Gets pleasant in October upto Febuary. A bit warm between then and May.

The children will love the amusement parks in Dubai. It is almost crime free so you dont have to worry on that front. Most Expats from Europe and USA like to live in the Jumeirah area so you will have a lot of neighbours from your neighbourhood if you get my drift.

There are several shopping malls and Movie theatres that you could shile away some time at.

It is a very modern city with all the modern amenities available. How you use your time here depends on you ofcourse but there is a lot to do.

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Oct 22, 2005
You should find plenty to do.

One thing you will find here is dirt cheap but good childcare. So should you want to work part or full time, it will be very easy for you to do so.
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Oct 22, 2005

Can I ask you where you can find cheap child care?

We may be going to Dubai within the next few months and have a 3 year old.

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Oct 22, 2005
Well what most people do is have a day-time or even live-in maid/nanny, which costs around Dh1,000 per month. You can often find a suitable lady in ads on supermarket noticeboards. Also you can ask friends and neighbours for personal recommendations (eg often a family is leaving Dubai, and they want to help their nanny find a new position).
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Oct 22, 2005
Thanks for the info. That is cheap and hopefully they are dependable.

Do the maids there clean your house and keep care of your children for $1000 per month?

Do we sponsor her as well? what is this cost?
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Oct 24, 2005
kelly1966 wrote:Thanks for the info. That is cheap and hopefully they are dependable.

Do the maids there clean your house and keep care of your children for $1000 per month?

Do we sponsor her as well? what is this cost?


Actually you can get a full service maid for about Dhs 800 -1200 (since you are giving them accomodation and food). They take care of your kids and house.

You will need to sponsor her as well and costs will probably be about Dhs 3500 for the visa and medical and other expenses.. I think there is a Dhs 5000 deposit or something that is refundable once the visa is cancelled, and you have to provide annual return ticket for the maid back to their country for vacation.. more or less, these are the expenses involved..

By the way which part of Canada do you come from? Im from Toronto, though my true love is Montreal 8)
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Oct 24, 2005
Hi Jag,

I live on the east coast of Canada....New Brunswick to be exact.

Nice meeting you.
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Oct 24, 2005
jag wrote:
By the way which part of Canada do you come from? Im from Toronto, though my true love is Montreal 8)

I live in Montreal... :)
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Oct 24, 2005
Liban wrote:
jag wrote:
By the way which part of Canada do you come from? Im from Toronto, though my true love is Montreal 8)

I live in Montreal... :)

So we have some canadians on this board eh!! Nice to meet you guys too 8)

Liban, why are you leaving Montreal!!!! I would have moved there if I knew French hehe...
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Oct 24, 2005
ottawa here!
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Oct 24, 2005
Calgary here :) also spent a decade in the T.
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Oct 24, 2005
jag wrote:Liban, why are you leaving Montreal!!!! I would have moved there if I knew French hehe...

I wanna leave Montreal for a few reasons.

1) Taxes in Canada suck
2) Weather in Montreal sucks
3) Getting closer to my roots
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Oct 25, 2005
Liban wrote:
jag wrote:Liban, why are you leaving Montreal!!!! I would have moved there if I knew French hehe...

I wanna leave Montreal for a few reasons.

1) Taxes in Canada suck
2) Weather in Montreal sucks
3) Getting closer to my roots

Very true, those are the exact reasons I left T. But Montreal was always an amazing trip during the long weekends... such a vibrant city..

Still, I do not miss the taxes or cold weather..

Nice to see so many canuks on the board though :)
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