Ultimate Frizbee- Flag Football Or Softball Teams?

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Ultimate Frizbee- Flag football or Softball Teams? Dec 07, 2006
I am new to Dubai. Anyone know of Ultimate Frizbee or flag football/Softball Leagues I can join up with?


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Re: Ultimate Frizbee- Flag football or Softball Teams? Dec 07, 2006
nasapilot wrote:I am new to Dubai. Anyone know of Ultimate Frizbee or flag football/Softball Leagues I can join up with?


try the USA - I think they play that stuff there.
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Dec 07, 2006
Well unfortunately there are none I know of.
But you could try the American comunities.
There are some groups I have heard of, like a whole group next to the American School of Dubai. I would think that the best way of finding them would be through your embassy or consulate.

If you find a flag tournament guve me a shout! :)

Poker Face
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Dec 07, 2006
The only softball fields are behind the metropolitin hotel, I think people play there fairly frequently.

For ultimate frisbee, I use to love playing that, the Canadian expat club use to have a league if i'm not mistaken but I think i'm currenlty banned from their events now so can't update you on that.
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Dec 07, 2006
Poker Face wrote:
If you find a flag tournament guve me a shout! :)

Ya me too!!
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