Marnie Pearce

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Marnie Pearce Mar 29, 2009
Languishing in a squalid prison cell, Marnie Pearce spends her days replaying the moment her two precious children were taken from her and she was thrown in jail.

Falsely accused of adultery by her husband, she was found guilty on suspect evidence and imprisoned by a court in Dubai – without being allowed to say anything in her defence.

Yet today The Sunday Mirror can reveal that it was her hypocrite husband Ihab El Labban who was cheating on HER.

We have discovered he had an 18-month fling with an American mother of two. Yet under draconian Sharia Law, it is Marnie who now cowers behind bars, weeping for sons Ziad, seven and Laith, four, who she fears she won’t see again until they are adults.

How can this man get away with this?

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Mar 29, 2009
I agree, total BS. I have named and shamed in my blog. Hope the jerk rots. Seems links to the story are disappearing here in the UAE. His pic and some video are found here:

This is not shameless self-promotion, I have no ads or revenue stream ( FYI mods). Just trying to get the word out. I love how the beach-humpers made a mint and their story was everywhere, but this poor lady is losing all that matters to her.

You wold think the Brit. Embassy would butt in and make a scene, but no.
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Mar 29, 2009
This is heart breaking! Why are western women so gullible? Maybe these western women should learn from their Indian and Arab(locals) counterparts, a thing ot two, wen it comes to inter cultural relationships.....

I dnt even wanna get started with that Egyptian fraud!

Brit embassy? Even the filipino embassy is way more effective wen it comes to protecting and standing up for their people! Anywaz wat do u expect the embassy to do wen Britain's immigration policy/foreign policy itself is so screwed!
Misery Called Life
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Mar 29, 2009
Why is this case not going by Sharia law, in the Koran in clearly states that there has to have been witnesses to the actual act.
This could happen to any woman here if the husband wants to get nasty, its very worrying
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Mar 29, 2009
dolly wrote:Why is this case not going by Sharia law, in the Koran in clearly states that there has to have been witnesses to the actual act.
This could happen to any woman here if the husband wants to get nasty, its very worrying

I guess it's not really sharia law then. It is i-am-the-judge-and-the-verdict-depends-on-my-mood law.
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Mar 29, 2009
we dont know the full story. so how can we comment?
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Mar 29, 2009
rudeboy wrote:we dont know the full story. so how can we comment?

Google It!
Misery Called Life
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Mar 29, 2009 ... ction.html


first thing first. if she didnt do anything wrong why doesnt the embassy step in? british embassy has lots of power in uae especially when it comes to looking after their ppl. i mean which embassy doesnt :S.

i could be wrong but then again who knows she probably was involved in adultery.

if i was a theif and i robbed a bank. tommorow i get caught ofcourse i m gonna say i didnt do it :D lol who bloody admits to a crime? they dont they get caught.
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Mar 29, 2009
errr, ur forgetin bout the American women........the mistress?
Misery Called Life
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Mar 29, 2009
Misery Called Life wrote:errr, ur forgetin bout the American women........the mistress?

:S first the british woman and now american woman :S do i have to google that as well :D?????
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Mar 29, 2009
A couple of month ago my former college committed suicide. He was divorced since three years and had shared custody of the children. But his former wife always used the kids to make his life miserable. Every time I told him to fight her, he would say: no, its goanna hurt the kids. He kept quite until he couldn’t take it anymore. Not even his family knew how bad it was.

The thing is, you never know about people’s private situation. I guess that’s why it’s called private. That’s why people get shocked when happy couples suddenly get divorced. I feel very sorry for this mother to be in this situation, not seeing her kids. It’s seems very cold hearted to do that to any parent.

But again, I don’t know anything about their private life.
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Mar 30, 2009
bezor wrote:A couple of month ago my former college committed suicide. He was divorced since three years and had shared custody of the children. But his former wife always used the kids to make his life miserable. Every time I told him to fight her, he would say: no, its goanna hurt the kids. He kept quite until he couldn’t take it anymore. Not even his family knew how bad it was.

The thing is, you never know about people’s private situation. I guess that’s why it’s called private. That’s why people get shocked when happy couples suddenly get divorced. I feel very sorry for this mother to be in this situation, not seeing her kids. It’s seems very cold hearted to do that to any parent.

But again, I don’t know anything about their private life.

got to agree with bezor. we dont know the full story so why comment? i see there are many online petitions for her. good luck. but honestly speaking if she was in the wrong the british gov and embassy would have certainly stepped in and saved her neck.
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Mar 30, 2009
Sorry, but the video is pretty compelling. Regardless of whether or not ANYONE shagged ANYONE, a family should not be torn apart. The kids will be hooped for life, as will mum. Bad news any way you slice it.
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Re: Marnie Pearce Mar 30, 2009
dolly wrote:Yet under draconian Sharia Law,

I think you need to rephrase this sentence, do you have any idea what sharia law is other than what The Sunday Mirror tells you ?

I'm sure you do believe that sharia law is draconian since you don't know single thing about it but that statement is an outright insult to all muslims.

As for the OT as again we all know how "factual" the media can be. Ofcourse all british citizens in jail all across the world are actually innocent and its a global conspiracy led by the Arabs to jail as many as possible.

Oh for christ's sake. Yes its teriible that the family has been split up but she should have tought about it before she started shagging around. Same goes for the dude aswell ( If that is the case )
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Mar 30, 2009
First off the British Embassy will not involve itself in personal cases, in fact they rarely get involved in anything at all.

Secondly this guy is absolute scum! How can anyone do that to their children? He's not looking out for himself, he's being a selfish bastard and sadly under UAE law, fathers until the children reach a certain age are granted sole custody, so this poor woman is unlikely to see her children for a very long time.

If I saw this guy on the street I'd bloody well take a swing at him!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Mar 30, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:First off the British Embassy will not involve itself in personal cases, in fact they rarely get involved in anything at all.

Secondly this guy is absolute scum! How can anyone do that to their children? He's not looking out for himself, he's being a selfish bastard and sadly under UAE law, fathers until the children reach a certain age are granted sole custody, so this poor woman is unlikely to see her children for a very long time.

If I saw this guy on the street I'd bloody well take a swing at him!

sorry but the british government and embassy can step in and solve this problem sharia law or no sharia law. ... 3&rel_no=1 a guy in Pakistan saved by the british government for a crime he didnt do.

sorry but if this woman didnt do anything wrong why isnt the british embassy and govt stepping in? i guess she did do something wrong.
in various newspapers when she was caught she claimed she was having tea with her colleague in another newspaper she claims she had her colleague around to fix her pc :D lol

one lie leads to another lie :D
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Mar 30, 2009
Of course they CAN step in and do something, but the majority of times they won't.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Mar 30, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:Of course they CAN step in and do something, but the majority of times they won't.

yeh they can step in if they knew she didnt do anything wrong. but in this case they wont step in because they already know that she did commit the crime. i could be wrong but its been what 4 months now and they are not stepping in. mi5 and the british government gets the whole intelligence about this woman. they have probably seen the evidence and they cant help her cos she has committed the crime.
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Mar 30, 2009
RB, you don't know what you're talking about!

A friend of mine was arrested for something he didn't do, did the whole court and spent some time in the slammer thing. The Embassy flat out said that they do not get involved.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Mar 30, 2009
And in any case, even if she did do something, the way her husband has handled it and they way the children have been exposed to all of it is disgusting!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Mar 30, 2009
Interesting to see your take on things rudeboy. Do you think it is possible to offer someone a cup of tea when they have been there to fix your computer? Since when does having another man in your house mean that you are an adulteress? Were they caught in bed/naked together/having s.e.x?
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Mar 30, 2009
rudeboy wrote:i guess she did do something wrong.
in various newspapers when she was caught she claimed she was having tea with her colleague in another newspaper she claims she had her colleague around to fix her pc :D lol

I thought I read that even the police said they were having tea and Mr Fixit really was fixing the computer. And results of a DNA test indicated no exchange of body fluids but I can't find the article now. Best I can do it this ...

The National

She was accused of having an affair with a British man who was in the house when the police arrived.

The man was arrested and released without charge after a DNA test.

Gulf News

The Public Prosecution charged Marnie with having consensual sex out of wedlock with another man.

The Telegraph

Nearly four months later, she claims she was told by police that they had gathered evidence - including used condoms, a man's underpants and a man's jacket.

Miss Pearce was ordered to give a DNA sample but she claims the man alleged to have been involved was never contacted and has been free to travel back and forth to Dubai ever since.
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Mar 30, 2009
Error - double post
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Mar 30, 2009
This whole thing smacks of being a set-up!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Mar 30, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:RB, you don't know what you're talking about!

A friend of mine was arrested for something he didn't do, did the whole court and spent some time in the slammer thing. The Embassy flat out said that they do not get involved.

lol you and your dodgy friends are everywhere.
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Mar 30, 2009
There r so many people like Miss Pearce, who's stories never come to the fore! At least with the British, one thing is certain, their stories will always be published! Thank goodness for Brit publications.

Rudeboy are u implyin that Miss Pearce should be sentenced and should never see her kids again? Becuz she had an alleged affair....Wat in ur opinion should be done about the Husband den, and Ms Pierce's alleged lover who is roaming scott free(not that he's guilty of anytin), and how r the kids responsible for all of this? Since they r the one's who will suffer the most..

I'm sure the police in Dubai must feel lame investigating such cases, when there are far more critical cases, that could use their attention...
Misery Called Life
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Mar 30, 2009
Cases like this are a complete and utter waste of time and money. And the suffering these poors children must be going through is horrific!

So people make mistakes, who is innocent 100% of the time.

But the things the husband has done, even asking for compensation is ridiculous.

He is an evil, evil man, selfish to the core and only thinking of himself!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Mar 30, 2009
Misery Called Life wrote:There r so many people like Miss Pearce, who's stories never come to the fore! At least with the British, one thing is certain, their stories will always be published! Thank goodness for Brit publications.

Rudeboy are u implyin that Miss Pearce should be sentenced and should never see her kids again? Becuz she had an alleged affair....Wat in ur opinion should be done about the Husband den, and Ms Pierce's alleged lover who is roaming scott free(not that he's guilty of anytin), and how r the kids responsible for all of this? Since they r the one's who will suffer the most..

I'm sure the police in Dubai must feel lame investigating such cases, when there are far more critical cases, that could use their attention...

misery all i am saying is ok if she is being put in prison for the wrong reasons why isnt the british govt butting in?

fyi dubai police has top of the range instruments which do assist them in solving crimes. are you telling me they didnt investigate this? no forensic investigation was carried out on this case? sorry but something doesnt add up here.

whats happening to the kids is sad. but are u telling me this shit only happens in dubai? plz.

one of the guys in pakistan was saved from death row sentence by the british gov, prince charles and prime minister for one of the crimes he didnt do.

are you telling me that the british gov, prince charles and the prime mminister dont know about this case? i can tell you her own MP from her town is going to present this forward to the house of lords.
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Mar 30, 2009
The ministers in the Brit gov r too bus squabbling among themselves and attending futile G20 meetings, which will never resolve the financial crisis!
Prince Charles is busy at tea with Camilla and her majesty. While his sons spend all their time making out, attending charity dinners and craving to kick sum a$$ in Iraq n Afghanistan!
Her own town MP is probably busy tryin to ensure citizenship for that Egyptian fraud, lest the MP be accused of racism.
The officials at the Brit embassy who were too busy placing their bets on the dubai world r busy counting their profits!

No one refutes the sophistication of the Dubai police...but the question as always is will they be True and Just? The sceptism arrises from the horrid tales of DF posters like, Herve, Sharfaz, Chocoholic says that she knew sum1 victimized n many more!
Misery Called Life
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Re: Marnie Pearce Mar 30, 2009
desertdudeshj wrote:
dolly wrote:Yet under draconian Sharia Law,

I think you need to rephrase this sentence, do you have any idea what sharia law is other than what The Sunday Mirror tells you ?

I'm sure you do believe that sharia law is draconian since you don't know single thing about it but that statement is an outright insult to all muslims.

As for the OT as again we all know how "factual" the media can be. Ofcourse all british citizens in jail all across the world are actually innocent and its a global conspiracy led by the Arabs to jail as many as possible.

Oh for christ's sake. Yes its teriible that the family has been split up but she should have tought about it before she started shagging around. Same goes for the dude aswell ( If that is the case )

Sorry if it offended you I just copied and pasted it over from an article in a paper I don’t normally read. Would you prefer I quote the Telegraph next time?
Even if this woman had an affair does it really warrant a 3 month jail sentence and a 20,000 dhs fine?
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