Looking For Courier/removals Service To UK

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looking for courier/removals service to UK Oct 22, 2007
I am searching the foum, but i want to ask about my specific situation too!

i am moving back to the uk in the next few weeks and i have aquired a few things here, not a housefull, but a HDTV (boxed), surround sound hi-fi (boxed), clothes, electrical things, work files and papers, clothes and personal items.

ive rang aramex and dhl but they just want to dimensions and weights of every individual item to give me a quote, so imagine my total weight is going to be 50kg +(will weigh amd measure shortly)

is there any way of shipping it back to the uk cheaply, or do you know any decent companies that offer a sea freight to the uk as dhl only offer air freight and the last item i sent back (35kg) cost 400 pounds.

all items are just personal things, no business or hazardous items


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Oct 24, 2007
freight is calculated on a weight/ volume calculation - they take both figures and charge according to the higher of the two.

if they are high value items i'd suggest that you rather curior them. another alternative it so send them aircargo, through emirates sky cargo - just ensure they are well packaged as aircargo terminals are notorius for man-handling cargo.
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