Are There Many Part Time Jobs For Women?

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Are there many part time jobs for women? Feb 12, 2007
I would be looking to do something fairly undemanding while I consider a career change. My husband will obviously be earning the bulk of our income. My background is in sales and training. I thought I could do some sort of customer service role. Is this type of work available and how much does it pay?

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Re: Are there many part time jobs for women? Feb 13, 2007
admcau wrote:I would be looking to do something fairly undemanding while I consider a career change. My husband will obviously be earning the bulk of our income. My background is in sales and training. I thought I could do some sort of customer service role. Is this type of work available and how much does it pay?

that sort of work is available in any first world city and dubai is such a city. How much does it pay? from zero to a lot. All relative.
I wrote
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Re: Are there many part time jobs for women? Feb 14, 2007
admcau wrote:I would be looking to do something fairly undemanding while I consider a career change. My husband will obviously be earning the bulk of our income. My background is in sales and training. I thought I could do some sort of customer service role. Is this type of work available and how much does it pay?

Education (formal/non-formal) might be a good choice, such as becoming freelance trainer. There are many training centers in Dubai. However, I believe you need employment visa.
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Feb 15, 2007
Thanks for the advice.

Freelance training would be ideal. I will wait until we get there and investigate further.
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