What Have You Borrowed And Broken?

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What Have You Borrowed and Broken? Oct 03, 2011
My eldest daughter has been visiting the Ponderosa this weekend prior to her holiday to Abu Dhabi next week.
I did wonder why she had decided to pay me a visit at such short notice and all became clear.

She went away with three of my new dresses, my recently purchased Chanel sunglasses and Beth's sandels from Primani.
She was only borrowing them and promised to return them in a pristine state. Yeah right.

She once took her friends fluffy dog for a walk and managed to get chewing gum stuck to its back. By the time she'd trimmed and retrimmed it, the dog bore no resemblence to the one she'd borrowed. That's going some, to break a dog.

I did have a problem with the borrowing as I know how she is with her own stuff, it's easy come, easy go and she looks after nothing. I think Beth is taking after her as she borrowed my Ipod and it's never worked since. But what could I say? She left with her holiday clothes that I'll be lucky if I ever see them again. :(

Have you ever borrowed anything and broken it?

What excuse did you give upon it's return?

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