Hi Guy Just A Question Is This Possible?

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hi guy just a question is this possible? Oct 06, 2007
hi guys i just want to ask if what do you think of this one... is it possible for you to fall in love with someone you just met on chatting and just saw on cam??? will this relationship have a future or what?

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Re: hi guy just a question is this possible? Oct 06, 2007
delicious_24f wrote:hi guys i just want to ask if what do you think of this one... is it possible for you to fall in love with someone you just met on chatting and just saw on cam??? will this relationship have a future or what?

it depends on both
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Re: hi guy just a question is this possible? Oct 07, 2007
delicious_24f wrote:hi guys i just want to ask if what do you think of this one... is it possible for you to fall in love with someone you just met on chatting and just saw on cam??? will this relationship have a future or what?

24 yo

looks like you're looking for this possibility
why don't you just post your msn on here and tell us when you'll be on webcam
How can you know the chemistry of yourself with someone if you haven't been in the same room for your pheromones to interact?

To answer your question: NO - it's just a fantasy, forbidden fruit, a one byte stand etc ect. that is why you feel its love. You need to have met someone to be sure.
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Oct 07, 2007
hi troll :o
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Re: hi guy just a question is this possible? Oct 07, 2007
scarlet wrote:
delicious_24f wrote:hi guys i just want to ask if what do you think of this one... is it possible for you to fall in love with someone you just met on chatting and just saw on cam??? will this relationship have a future or what?

24 yo

looks like you're looking for this possibility
why don't you just post your msn on here and tell us when you'll be on webcam
How can you know the chemistry of yourself with someone if you haven't been in the same room for your pheromones to interact?

To answer your question: NO - it's just a fantasy, forbidden fruit, a one byte stand etc ect. that is why you feel its love. You need to have met someone to be sure.

sometimes its ok to take a good bite out of the forbiden fruit
have some excitement in your life

id say go for it and see were it goes
even if the relationship doesnt last , you still had some fun and learned something
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Re: hi guy just a question is this possible? Oct 09, 2007
delicious_24f wrote:hi guys i just want to ask if what do you think of this one... is it possible for you to fall in love with someone you just met on chatting and just saw on cam??? will this relationship have a future or what?

it can work out, as it depend on condition and situation. My cousin got married to a girl living in costa rica while chatting with her from UAE. I have seen many online chat relation happened some were successful most were just exaggeration.

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Oct 11, 2007
for girls, it may be true..but for men?? I don't think so, they always need some action..so better not to chat :P
why not go out and explore??
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