Sacrifice Of Arabs #1

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Sacrifice of Arabs #1 Dec 19, 2006
This is an excerpt from the book Islam and the World by Sheikh Abul Hassan Ali Nadwi. This passage pays a glowing tribute to both the Prophet(saw) and his Companions (rad).

Personal Sacrifice made by the Arabs in Past for Welfare and Happiness of Mankind

The Prophet of Islam(saw) came with his message at a time when mankind had reached almost the last stage of misery and wretchedness.

To relieve humanity of its privations was beyond those who were, at that time, the over-lords of life. (Romans and Persians) They had neither the vision nor the normal courage nor even the desire to undertake such a task. Luxurious living had sapped their energies and greed and avarice had undermined their courage.

[Note: We can see this in today’s functions and weddings. People are captivated with talks about cars, opposite gender and flamboyant lifestyle of others while the ummah is suffering both mentally and physically. People also do not realize that it was only through sacrifice did Sahabah bring about change in this world. There was no short cut taken.]

[This is to point out the case mostly with any individual who is after or is living a luxurious and extravagant life.]

-They become incapable of giving up even an iota of their comforts for any noble cause.
-They cannot face any hardships and have no stomach left for trials and tribulations inherent in such a struggle.
-They do not look beyond their immediate interests, have no thought for others and are not willing to give up anything for collective good of mankind.

The salvation of humanity is not achieved by force of arms. It depends upon the moral courage and spirit of self-sacrifice of a handful of people who, by worldly standards, are often considered to be lacking in good fortune. It is they, who courting dangers and trials, release millions of people from their miseries and lead them from despair to hope and from wretchedness to grace. They are the people who consider a cheap bargain if by the sacrifice of a few, many are able to achieve dignity and prosperity and if by some loss of prosperity and wealth, the doors of material and spiritual well being are opened on many. [As history points out, these people were none other than the Companions of the Prophet (saw), the Sahabah (rad)]

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