For Shafique - Church Bombers; Christianophobic Or Not?

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For shafique - church bombers; Christianophobic or not? Jul 27, 2011
Given that shafique refuses to condemn church bombers as Christianophobes on other threads, I figure I'll go ahead and ask him directly here.

He seems to claim that the Norwegian political terrorist, Anders, was an Islamophobe even though he never targeted Muslims.

So, are Muslims who *ACTUALLY* target Christians during religious services 'Christianophobes', especially when proudly taking credit for the attacks refer to churches as 'filthy nests of polytheism'?

event horizon
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Re: For Shafique - Church Bombers; Christianophobic Or Not? Jul 27, 2011

For the record, yes I condemn unreservedly the Church bombers - just as I condemn any one who carries out any terrorist attack.

Yes, I do consider any bomber or other extremist who commits acts out of an irrational hatred of Christianity to be a Christianophobe. They are as nutty as the Islamophobes who bomb mosques (eg the American who pipe bombed the mosque in Jackson, Florida - he was a terrorist and an Islamophobe, given the target of a mosque).

Yes, the Norwegian Terrorist is an Islamophobe because of his writings and paranoia about a Muslim cultural invasion and his endorsement of the hate filled rhetoric of Bob Spencer.

Anyone who targets Christians because of their religion - and there those in Indonesia, Pakistan and indeed Egypt are as heinous as anyone else targetting other religions (be it Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jews etc).

Let me give another example, Baroch Goldstein: A religiously motivated terrorist denounced by me, event horizon refuses to condemn for his religiously motivated act of terrorism.

So - I don't think I can be clearer - any Christianophobic attack is unreservedly condemned by me. There are many examples in Pakistan and Indonesia and Egypt where Muslims have attacked Christians. I condemn them all.

I await to see whether you will condemn a Jewish religiously motivated terrorist, Baruch Goldstein, or whether you continue to evade this issue.

Over to you.

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