I came here as a missionary bringing you a word of a game you may not yet heard of.

It's called "e-sim" and it simulates the real world we live in. By registering, you become a citizen of a country of your choosing, fighting its battles, founding companies and working hard to boost its economy, and vote for you preffered party and president himself.
Recently, e-sim opened up a new server, called "Suna", including only Africa and Saudi as involving countries. This happened 5 days ago. Myself and bunch of my friends quickly moved to United Arab Emirates, Dubai to be more precise, so we are trying hard to make our new and exotic country stable and safe.
This is why I'm asking you to tryout this game at least by visiting this refferal link " http://suna.e-sim.org/lan.2460/ " , so if you decide to stay and stick to your country future, we can help you out in the beginning phases.
Once again, server is still young, you have plenty of time to catch up and enjoy the game.
As UAE, we already founded an alliance with one of the strongest countries and we already managed to win some important battles and captured some of the high demanded resources in the game, we can safely say, we gad a tense, but satisfying start.

Hope you will consider this article
