Goodbye UK... Hello Dubai

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Goodbye UK... Hello Dubai Jun 06, 2010
Hi everyone,
Just been browsing through the library of info and useful posts on the site trying to form a decision to cut my life in the UK and take family our East to Dubai. Been a couple of times on holiday now. My wife's company have an office out there so she's been a good few times now so when they offered her a posting there we've been really considering it. We both had a little girl 5 weeks ago and are thinking that when my wife decides to return to work, we should maybe make it Dubai...

So I've got a few questions I hope someone can help me answer:

- How is working there as an expat? Expected to work long hours or is it more relaxed?
- Depends on the office I suppose but are places of work fairly sociable?
- I'm in the oil and gas industry which I know is more present in Abu Dhabi but as my wife works in Dubai I think we'd rather be in Dubai... just wondering how long the commute would be from Dubai to AD?

- I have investments in the UK - how do you manage share investments in Dubai? Would I need to pay any tax on capital gains/ income?
- How are financial advisors in Dubai?

- How is the social support etc for families - parent groups etc to meet new people in the same situation as you?
- How do you go about seeking and screening people for childcare?

These are just some of the Qs running through my head just now. If anyone can answer any of them it would be much appreciated. I'm pretty sure I want this move.. it may be difficult moving with a young family but think it would be worth it.
Thanks for looking and any input you have.


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Re: Goodbye UK... Hello Dubai Jun 06, 2010
- How is working there as an expat? Expected to work long hours or is it more relaxed?
- Depends on the office I suppose but are places of work fairly sociable?
- I'm in the oil and gas industry which I know is more present in Abu Dhabi but as my wife works in Dubai I think we'd rather be in Dubai... just wondering how long the commute would be from Dubai to AD?

Your white, in Oil and Gas and even if mediumly qualified, your good, but come with enough cash to stick out for a few months to get something you want and not the first thing flopped your way. And even more dosh if moving with family.

Socialble : Depends on you wheter you choose to constantly moan and complain about the " diffrent " people and stick to your own kind or pretty a decent bloke who can get along with anyone

- I have investments in the UK - how do you manage share investments in Dubai? Would I need to pay any tax on capital gains/ income?
- How are financial advisors in Dubai?

Financial advisors in dubai SUCK and so do the BANKS. And no obvious taxs but a lot of "fees"

- How is the social support etc for families - parent groups etc to meet new people in the same situation as you?
- How do you go about seeking and screening people for childcare?

These are just some of the Qs running through my head just now. If anyone can answer any of them it would be much appreciated. I'm pretty sure I want this move.. it may be difficult moving with a young family but think it would be worth it.
Thanks for looking and any input you have.

I don't have kid so I wouldn't know shyte about this, but I'm sure you could hook up with a few jumeriah janes and find out
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Re: Goodbye UK... Hello Dubai Jun 18, 2010
Cheers for the update dude.. i like your style

anyone else got any pointers?
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