UAE Line Up

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UAE Line up May 01, 2011 ... iled-to-id

You've just got to love those comments from the witness about the line-up. One black, one fat and one short!!!! :lol:

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Re: UAE Line up May 01, 2011
A mate of mine had his car stolen from outside his apartment.

A friend of ours later saw the vehicle in a gas station and tried to give chase but lost him.

When the car was subsequently found (not by the police I might add!) they arrested a load of locals and 2 Indians and charged them with stealing the vehicle.

When our friend was called to come to the police station and identify the man he saw driving the car, he was put in a waiting room with the guy! Just them. Sitting facing each other.

When he went in for the line-up, sure enough there was the same guy in the line, again with a totally mis-matched set of comparisons.

And people wonder why we call them the Keystone Kops?!

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Dubai Knight
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Re: UAE Line Up May 02, 2011
You know what I think I've heard that story - maybe it happens all the time. :D
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Re: UAE Line up May 02, 2011
Dubai Knight wrote:A mate of mine had his car stolen from outside his apartment.

A friend of ours later saw the vehicle in a gas station and tried to give chase but lost him.

When the car was subsequently found (not by the police I might add!) they arrested a load of locals and 2 Indians and charged them with stealing the vehicle.

When our friend was called to come to the police station and identify the man he saw driving the car, he was put in a waiting room with the guy! Just them. Sitting facing each other.

When he went in for the line-up, sure enough there was the same guy in the line, again with a totally mis-matched set of comparisons.

And people wonder why we call them the Keystone Kops?!

:shock: :shock: :shock:


Careful now DK! You may find you have to explain that in your next meeting! LOL :D
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Re: UAE Line up May 02, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote:A mate of mine had his car stolen from outside his apartment.

A friend of ours later saw the vehicle in a gas station and tried to give chase but lost him.

When the car was subsequently found (not by the police I might add!) they arrested a load of locals and 2 Indians and charged them with stealing the vehicle.

When our friend was called to come to the police station and identify the man he saw driving the car, he was put in a waiting room with the guy! Just them. Sitting facing each other.

When he went in for the line-up, sure enough there was the same guy in the line, again with a totally mis-matched set of comparisons.

And people wonder why we call them the Keystone Kops?!

:shock: :shock: :shock:


Careful now DK! You may find you have to explain that in your next meeting! LOL :D

What do you know?

You don't live here.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Dubai Knight
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Re: UAE Line up May 02, 2011
Dubai Knight wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote:A mate of mine had his car stolen from outside his apartment.

A friend of ours later saw the vehicle in a gas station and tried to give chase but lost him.

When the car was subsequently found (not by the police I might add!) they arrested a load of locals and 2 Indians and charged them with stealing the vehicle.

When our friend was called to come to the police station and identify the man he saw driving the car, he was put in a waiting room with the guy! Just them. Sitting facing each other.

When he went in for the line-up, sure enough there was the same guy in the line, again with a totally mis-matched set of comparisons.

And people wonder why we call them the Keystone Kops?!

:shock: :shock: :shock:


Careful now DK! You may find you have to explain that in your next meeting! LOL :D

What do you know?

You don't live here.

:roll: :roll: :roll:


I know a lot more than you think! :lol: :lol:
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Re: UAE Line up May 02, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:
Careful now DK! You may find you have to explain that in your next meeting! LOL :D

What do you know?

You don't live here.

:roll: :roll: :roll:


I know a lot more than you think! :lol: :lol:[/quote]

Obviously not as much as you think.

I re-iterate: You don't live here, you don't know Bo Diddly.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Dubai Knight
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Re: UAE Line up May 02, 2011
So from your logic, everyone who doesn't live in Dubai knows nothing?
You need a light bulb moment DK!
News for you sunshine! I know loads of stuff and people and the world's a very small place :lol: :lol:
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Re: UAE Line up May 02, 2011
The only small the void between your ears.

You may 'stuff' that where you like.


:roll: :roll: :roll:

Dubai Knight
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Re: UAE Line Up May 02, 2011
And there was I thinking I'd start another thread so as to avoid the current row going on in the 'Why is Everybody called Mohammed' thread. How come everybody is at war in this forum. What is it that causes people to get so irate?

DK you are right in a lot of ways it is very different living out there than just visiting, but having said that it is also pointless to get anybody to understand things that they have not experienced. BM's comments are based on her own experiences as are yours. Why are you both arguing over something that will never be agreed upon it is a waste of time. We all went through a honeymoon period when we first visited the UAE (and for UAE substitute any country) but it is only when you spend a significant amount of time living in that place that the day to day frustrations kick in. BM hasn't reached that place yet. She is still to all intents and purposes a visitor and cannot be blamed for how she feels at the moment. Maybe she will always feel like she does, maybe she will not, but either way we cannot expect for others to feel exactly the same as we do. It is a pointless exercise. I hope to God she doesn;t ever get to see the darker side for talking with experience it is not something to be wished upon anybody. Making veiled threats (and I'm not talking about anybody specific) is just not something that grown ups do, add to that the sheer terror that you could actually find yourself experiencing makes any comments or threats just down right malicious. So people stop the arguing and try to appreciate what is being said and where it comes from. It may not be your view and you may disagree wholeheartedly with the comments but hey differences of opinion make the world go round. It certainly would be a boring forum if you all agreed all the time. So disagree if you must but try to keep the threats out of it because believe me even if you have ever had the misfortune to experience just how scary things can be out there you wouldn't be writing them.
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Re: UAE Line Up May 02, 2011
Well said Patience. You may be just what DF needs - an OBJECTIVE voice of reason, because that is something certainly lacking here.
Bora Bora
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Re: UAE Line Up May 02, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:Well said Patience. You may be just what DF needs - an OBJECTIVE voice of reason, because that is something certainly lacking here.

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Re: UAE Line Up May 02, 2011
patience, great post. How everyone got irate is a long story - it basically took over 6 months of little problems building into big ones, culminating into a threat made to affect another forumer's off-forum life and subsequent poor moderation when dealing with that issue. Threatening to get someone into trouble with Dubai authorities because you don't like what they have said to you on an internet forum is indeed malicious.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: UAE Line Up May 02, 2011
kanelli wrote:patience, great post. How everyone got irate is a long story - it basically took over 6 months of little problems building into big ones, culminating into a threat made to affect another forumer's off-forum life and subsequent poor moderation when dealing with that issue. Threatening to get someone into trouble with Dubai authorities because you don't like what they have said to you on an internet forum is indeed malicious.

Kanelli, can you give it a rest? To continuously bring it up invites responses that will only cause it to go on and on. It's to everyones benefit to just leave it alone.
Bora Bora
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Re: UAE Line Up May 02, 2011
kanelli wrote:patience, great post. How everyone got irate is a long story - it basically took over 6 months of little problems building into big ones, culminating into a threat made to affect another forumer's off-forum life and subsequent poor moderation when dealing with that issue. Threatening to get someone into trouble with Dubai authorities because you don't like what they have said to you on an internet forum is indeed malicious.

Ah you can't help yourself can you? Search all my posts and I defy you to pull up one where I said I was going to report DDS to any authority. You have an over active imagination K. And DDS is nothing short of a drama queen!

@Patience, of course you are quite right! I can't argue with anything you've said.
I'm afraid I'm a mere mortal and not of the Saintly qualities some portray here. If someone has a go its in my nature to retaliate. Not something I'm particularly proud of but I never did say I was perfect, or a Knight!
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Re: UAE Line Up May 02, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:Ah you can't help yourself can you? Search all my posts and I defy you to pull up one where I said I was going to report DDS to any authority. You have an over active imagination K. And DDS is nothing short of a drama queen!

With pleasure.

Bethsmum wrote:I wonder if anyone could tell me the penalties, if caught, for living together whilst not being married, in the UAE?

I have a friend, a Muslim, non Emirati, who has been living with a south east asian girl, non Muslim I believe, for approximately four years here in the Dubai/Sharjah area.

I am quite concerned that one day he may fall foul of the law.

What could be the consequences of his actions?

Bethsmum wrote:You can't be too careful Zubber, beware of the Police, I would advise. I have a friend who is an ex Police Captain with the Dubai Police. I will make some enquiries as to what he thinks could happen to my other friend, should he be discovered living out of wedlock. I really wouldn't want to see them deported to different countries. This could be the end of a beautiful friendship. I really don't know why he just doesn't make an honest woman of her!

Bethsmum wrote:Well, it all, does indeed, comes to those who wait. After suffering months of abuse at the hands of DDS, I feel revenge is mine! After being called a fat whore, a racist and having him stalk me to and have him take great delight in reposting my posts on that forum to this one, it is time for me to repay the favour.

{link to post on another forum that contains DDS info on his marital status}

How does it feel munchkin?
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Re: UAE Line Up May 02, 2011
Wow K that didn't take long did it!! You must have my posts saved somewhere safe! I'm impressed! A BM follower! Who would have guessed! Would you like a signed picture too LOL!

As you once excused Chocs with the reasoning that if she was going to do something, she would have done it and not written about it! But wait! Silly me, that's an excuse for one of your crew and couldn't possibly be applied to me.
Rest assured K if I'd wanted to do something sinister I could have easily done it.

-- Mon May 02, 2011 3:42 pm --

I've just checked K! That took you 9 minutes to collect all those posts, write your post and repost mine! Now don't tell BM you haven't got them saved somewhere! Your actions tell a thousand stories K! I do believe you are on some sort of witch hunt! You're wasting your time K! The more you do it, the more I'll be on DF. That's BM! Stubborn! LOL
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Re: UAE Line Up May 02, 2011
BM, don't play stupid. The posts come from the one thread in Fight Club and it only takes a minute to repost. Stay on DF as long as you like, unless you manage to get booted by Admin at some point, which wouldn't be inconceivable since you've already been banned 3 times already.

Chocs joked that she would send a condom and veggie delivery to your door - quite different than saying you were going to talk to your ex-Dubai police friend about your "friend's" illegal cohabitation... As I said before, I talked to Chocs and told her it wasn't cool to post that, because it can be perceived as threatening since she does know your address. I don't like anyone threatening. I've never said otherwise. No one should be threatening to affect someone else's off-forum life, period.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: UAE Line Up May 02, 2011
Can the both of you take this to Fight Club?
Bora Bora
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Re: UAE Line Up May 02, 2011
kanelli wrote:BM, don't play stupid. The posts come from the one thread in Fight Club and it only takes a minute to repost. Stay on DF as long as you like, unless you manage to get booted by Admin at some point, which wouldn't be inconceivable since you've already been banned 3 times already.

Chocs joked that she would send a condom and veggie delivery to your door - quite different than saying you were going to talk to your ex-Dubai police friend about your "friend's" illegal cohabitation... As I said before, I talked to Chocs and told her it wasn't cool to post that, because it can be perceived as threatening since she does know your address. I don't like anyone threatening. I've never said otherwise. No one should be threatening to affect someone else's off-forum life, period.

Ah so I'm stupid now. I see.
Yes, I can understand you making excuses for your friend, after all she was joking and I wasn't. It's all becoming clearer now.
You don't like threatening, but you don't mind campaigning behind the scenes and rattling PM's out, as if they were going out of fashion, do you? You don't do threatening but not a problem with being vindictive!
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Re: UAE Line Up May 02, 2011
BB, we've already gone through this in Fight Club. I agree that that is where is should remain.

I won't give any apology for sending PM's to mods and admin when I saw the threads that formed the threat. The moderators were not always around and needed to be made aware of the situation to deal with it promptly. Get over it BM, its done and dusted.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: UAE Line Up May 02, 2011
kanelli wrote:BB, we've already gone through this in Fight Club. I agree that that is where is should remain.

I won't give any apology for sending PM's to mods and admin when I saw the threads that formed the threat. The moderators were not always around and needed to be made aware of the situation to deal with it promptly. Get over it BM, its done and dusted.

Well I have to say it's a shame you can't get over it. It hadn't been mentioned for weeks till you raised it recently when you came back to DF on a mission! Now this is all fact and can be verified so don't make yourself look an even bigger fool by denying it.
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Re: UAE Line up May 02, 2011
What I can't stand is the 'I know someone' blah blah blah - yeah? And? Most people if you've been here long enough know someone who can be 'useful' in certain situations. BM is certainly not alone, however, there are some members who know people who are still actively serving and are therefore much more useful. Plus there's a couple of people here with contacts that would trump the lot of you!

It doesn't make you big or clever and quite frankly who cares.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: UAE Line Up May 02, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:
kanelli wrote:BB, we've already gone through this in Fight Club. I agree that that is where is should remain.

I won't give any apology for sending PM's to mods and admin when I saw the threads that formed the threat. The moderators were not always around and needed to be made aware of the situation to deal with it promptly. Get over it BM, its done and dusted.

Well I have to say it's a shame you can't get over it. It hadn't been mentioned for weeks till you raised it recently when you came back to DF on a mission! Now this is all fact and can be verified so don't make yourself look an even bigger fool by denying it.

Well I was gone, but you can thank BB for the gloating thread in Fight Club that brought me back. :D
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Re: UAE Line Up May 02, 2011
kanelli wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:
kanelli wrote:BB, we've already gone through this in Fight Club. I agree that that is where is should remain.

I won't give any apology for sending PM's to mods and admin when I saw the threads that formed the threat. The moderators were not always around and needed to be made aware of the situation to deal with it promptly. Get over it BM, its done and dusted.

Well I have to say it's a shame you can't get over it. It hadn't been mentioned for weeks till you raised it recently when you came back to DF on a mission! Now this is all fact and can be verified so don't make yourself look an even bigger fool by denying it.

Well I was gone, but you can thank BB for the gloating thread in Fight Club that brought me back. :D

Leave me out of your fight Kanelli. This is between you and BM, no need to drag other people into it.
Bora Bora
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Re: UAE Line Up May 02, 2011
BB, it is a fact that I started to post again after your gloating thread. It was merely a statement of fact. You are dragging yourself in by continuing to post. If you want to stay out, then stay out.
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Re: UAE Line Up May 02, 2011
kanelli wrote:BB, it is a fact that I started to post again after your gloating thread. It was merely a statement of fact. You are dragging yourself in by continuing to post. If you want to stay out, then stay out.

Kanelli, I will stay out, when left out.
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