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Goodbye! Mar 25, 2012
I wanted to go without saying goodbye, but that would not be the right thing to do after years of posting on DF. I also realized DF has been very educational and I got some awesome friendships from it through the years, so I do owe a big thank you to DF!
I sincerely wish EVERYBODY the best!


I used to post under the Handle of Flying Dutchman

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Re: Goodbye! Mar 25, 2012
Why the goodbye and why the name change?
sage & onion
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 25, 2012
Bye FD, all the best to you too.
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 25, 2012
All the best from me too FD.

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Re: Goodbye! Mar 25, 2012
All the best FD.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 25, 2012
sage & onion wrote:Why the goodbye and why the name change?

The handle Flying Dutchman got banned permanently. I did not get a reason, so I have to guess why. Days ago I changed my avatar to the Hebrew letters "chet" and "yod", spelling the Hebrew word for "life". Days later I got banned. In the past BM also got a (temporary) ban for having the Israeli flag with the star of David in it as an avatar.

While I frequent other forums, I always used to loved and appreciate the openess of DF. Now, DF apparently wants to travel another road: do not deviate too much from the Party line, or you will get banned. That's fine with me, but do it without me. Even the thread "we won"got deleted in the Politics section, that was ALL saying, and oh so ironic, perhaps sarcastic or even cynical.

So, I am not coming back with other IP adresses and/or handles (excect this one of now of course).
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 25, 2012
Well to be perfectly honest, if that was the reason, I can kinda understand it. You know very well that anything advocating 'certain' countries is not allowed in the UAE and the entire forum itself could be shut down because of it. Just not worth it. However, if that is indeed the case, a polite message to change it could have been in order.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 25, 2012
It was likely the content of threads in politics, not so much the avatar.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 25, 2012
You still lie shamelessly, all the best from me too FD..
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 25, 2012
Chocoholic wrote:Well to be perfectly honest, if that was the reason, I can kinda understand it.

It's two HEBREW letters Chocs, a jewish symbol, not an Israeli symbol (and used widely outside Israel, even by non-jews). Israel has two official languages, Hebrew and Arabic, nobody would have a problem with Arabic letters I think on DF.

--- Mar 25, 2012 ---

kanelli wrote:It was likely the content of threads in politics, not so much the avatar.

Could be, as long as I didnot get a reason, I can think and assume what I want. If your reason was the reason, everybody should got banned, if done fairly.
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 25, 2012
Doesn't really matter, it's still frowned upon here. Sadly for many Jews are exclusively Israeli - many of us know better, but you get my point.
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 25, 2012
Chocoholic wrote:but you get my point.

I get it very well, believe me. I get it 100%!
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 25, 2012
Bye FlyingDutchman! It was nice knowing you while I could :D

Although, I personally think you should have gotten a warning before they preempted you from posting again.
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 25, 2012
prowheels wrote:Bye FlyingDutchman! It was nice knowing you while I could

Likewise, you are an interesting poster prowheels.

prowheels wrote:Although, I personally think you should have gotten a warning before they preempted you from posting again.

It is what it is.
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 25, 2012
I thought I'd end up suspended.

It is Andyba's forum, so if he wants people gone, he wants them gone. It is useless for you all to come back under other usernames, especially if you just plan to continue behaving in the way that got you banned in the first place.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 25, 2012
kanelli wrote:I thought I'd end up suspended.

I never doubted for even one second, that you wouldn't.

kanelli wrote:It is Andyba's forum, so if he wants people gone, he wants them gone.

Absolutely true. An admin can ban, and posters can leave.

kanelli wrote:It is useless for you all to come back under other usernames, especially if you just plan to continue behaving in the way that got you banned in the first place.

I had a deal with poster shafique. The last few days I didnot get any comments about my behaviour from any poster, including poster shafique. I see the thead has been deleted by the way...again very typical!
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 25, 2012
Well stick around FD, clearly you have no intention of actually going. Just reel it in - as we all need to.

However, there are definitely 'some' members I would prefer not to see back here.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 25, 2012
No, Choc, FormerFD will only post in this thread from now on and then leave. DF has been exposed for what it is, I'll stick around greener pastures.
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 25, 2012
FD I don't think you would get banned for hebrew, probably it was your posts.

All the best, bye!
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 25, 2012
Nucleus wrote:FD I don't think you would get banned for hebrew, probably it was your posts.

That would be extremely inconsistent. Banning for Hebrew is more in line concerning what goes on on DF.

One thing I learnt in DF, although I realize DF is a very small microcosmos, is that Mister Geert Wilders is correct for the most part. Interesting that this always seems to become a self-fulling prophecy, as we see on DF.

I would like this opportunity to say although I had (harsh) confrontation(s) with Chocs, there is something I admire about her.
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 25, 2012
Hi! Say hello not goodbye.
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 25, 2012
NylonSue wrote:Hi! Say hello not goodbye.

Hi NylonSue, and welcome by DF, I am on my way out. For further contact, if you so desire, you can PM me. Only if you are nice though.
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 26, 2012
Oh. thank you FormerDF.
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 26, 2012
Hi FD, I don't say goodbye as I don't want you to leave. I don't believe the opposite gang was totally innocent. and I don't think you deserve a permanant ban.

I hope you will continue posting on DF with less hatred toward some religions.

Here the ban function just happens based on the reports, so it is all the matter of who makes the most number of reports.
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 26, 2012
Mel - I think the bans are based on posts - Andy does, after all, temporarily ban some people and permanently ban others. Those recently banned were temporarily suspended in the past.

FD - your tone of your posts did go down considerably lately and you chose to join herve, bm and eh in the gutter - even defending the anti-Muslim generalisations you have made and defending posters who made racist and xenophobic posts about Muslims and immigrants. You even joined in with eh's 'Islam is a satanic cult' rant (which is what I think is the probable cause of his ban).

I think you know it wasn't an avatar that got you banned - even if you can't bring yourself to admit it. Pretending it was is playing a victim card. This is beneath you - but I guess the ban has hurt your feelings.

I trust your goodbye will not turn into a long series of Frank Sinatra goodbyes!

But ultimately, it is your choice whether you want to stop posting as FormerFD or not. (As for NylonSue - I hope you behave better this time round! ;) )


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Re: Goodbye! Mar 26, 2012
melika969 wrote:I hope you will continue posting on DF with less hatred toward some religions.

Im sorry Mel, I am not. I wanted to leave before, but was persuaded to stay. I liked most of your posts Mel and although I donot know you FWIW I think you are a genuine nice and good person (your friends are lucky), and I really hope you will be doing well. I think I speak for many, that DF has become a small , close community (I always liked that), where we got to know each other, and many in here established friendships outside DF. But I cannot stay in here. Things changed

As for my views, I tried to see and understand the other 'side', I really did. When I first met my wife, she said in the beginning, she will never set a foot in an Islamic country again. Despite that for years I was quite sympathic towards Islam, I think you can see that in my first year posts on DF. Things changed.

Take care!

--- Mar 26, 2012 ---

shafique , you have no dignity whatso-ever!
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 26, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:You should take responsibility for your own actions.


I see very little of this advice being followed by those who have been banned and have come back to post.

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Re: Goodbye! Mar 26, 2012
FormerFD ,

You are looking more and more like a spoiled brat, I wonder are you stamping your foot as you type. :-)
sage & onion
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 26, 2012
I had some hope in this thread, posters could refrain from personal attacks. But thank you for the feedback anyways and show me again what DF has become. I hope everybody feels some kind of relief, to got that of their chest. It's all fine, if you have more repressed anger, please let it out, you will feel better.

Shafique,I hope you realize the more you post in this thread, the longer I stay. :idea:
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Re: Goodbye! Mar 26, 2012
shafique wrote:Mel - I think the bans are based on posts

I don't agree with you Shaf. If you were right, both you and K should got suspended as well. At least comparing to Bora, If she got suspended, definitely you two should get suspended too.

And for sure, not Any nor anybody else has the free time or interest to read all the nonsense you guys throw at each other here. So definitely it is based on reports.

FD, Take care and Good luck!
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