Tenancy Contract Question

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Tenancy Contract Question Jun 22, 2007
Hi all,

My tenancy contract was up for renewal on May 18th, but until now the owner /landlord of where I stay hasn't called me to ask for the new cheques and to give me the new contract.

I had called him up in April and beginning of May to ask him about any changes in rent etc and to ask when to meet and he said he'll get in touch with me.

Its now over a month since then and thus the tenancy has expired. I was just wondering if, due to this, he can do anything such as evict me, or increase the rent etc whenever he remembers? Those kinda nasty 'landlordy' things people do...

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Jun 22, 2007
It would be best to write to the Landlord and record the fact that you are waiting for your new Tenancy Contract.
sage & onion
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Jun 22, 2007
Good idea!
Shall do that!
Thanks :)
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Re: Tenancy Contract Question Jun 23, 2007
ineedacoolnick wrote:Hi all,

My tenancy contract was up for renewal on May 18th, but until now the owner /landlord of where I stay hasn't called me to ask for the new cheques and to give me the new contract.

I had called him up in April and beginning of May to ask him about any changes in rent etc and to ask when to meet and he said he'll get in touch with me.

Its now over a month since then and thus the tenancy has expired. I was just wondering if, due to this, he can do anything such as evict me, or increase the rent etc whenever he remembers? Those kinda nasty 'landlordy' things people do...

If the contract is following the "standard template" then bad news for you. Check out a clause that say something like "Renewal of tenancy is at the discretion of the landlord. If the tenant does not renew the tenancy on expiry date he will have to pay the rent as demanded".

Mine is about to expire on 1st August. I called the real estate agent few days back on why he hasn't call me for renewal, he would increase the rent and said it's "common" to give notice only 2 weeks before expiration. And by seeing again that clause in my contract, I bet he won't.

I'm now about to file the case to the Rent Committee. According to the officer, I need proof that the agent increases the rent. Apparently by phone can't do. As advised, I've sent a fax to him demanding the contract extension with the same rate (I'm referring to Sheikh Mohammed's decree on 1st Jan). Next couple of weeks before expiration when I'll be in town, if I had no reply then I'll file the case. 99% I'll win.
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