Looking For Investors For Very Profitable Project In Dubai

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Looking for investors for very profitable project in dubai Apr 05, 2005
Looking for investors for very profitable project

I had been to Dubai many times in last two years. I am professional beautician, and I found that their are almost 600 saloons in Dubai and Sharjah. I have visited many saloons in Sharjah and Dubai and not satisfied by the level of business maintained by the local owners and the technician working in saloon.
I like to open one in Dubai, and looking forward for the reliable investor. I owed one saloon in India and currently I am stay in Saudi with my husband. Any one interested to have nice easy money by investing in my project please refer to me at my email ID
I prefer any lady investor and very serious to go for establishing saloon business.

Dubai Expat Wannabe
Posts: 8
Location: riyadh , saudi arabia

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