Haunted House

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Haunted House Jun 09, 2010
This going to sound like I'm a nut job but who cares?

The last few nights my wife and I have heard some seriously creepy sounds coming from the Villa. My wife thinks she has seen people walking into the bedroom and I can hear children playing when i know there are none. My favourite sound so far is a child dropping what sounds like a ball bearing from height then hearing the bounce increase as it gets closer to the floor.

We asked out neighbours about any previous complaints (she has lived next door 12 years) and all she would say is that in her time, there have been many people rent this Villa. She has also heard the sounds though, she thought we were some weirdo's with strange habbits until we told her this. It's not the AC as it's been turned off. It's not the multiple fridge compressors. It's spooky!

The villa is about 30 years old, which is a fair innings for this place i suppose. Anything could have happened........

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Re: Haunted House Jun 09, 2010
You are not going bonkers. On another forum there were several conversations regarding spirits existing in old villas. As this was once a pure Muslim country, the spirits that reside in the villas are referred to as jinns. Google the term and read up on it. Do you experience "cold spots", or if you have an animal that acts "strange" at times with no reason that you can see?

Tenancy turnover may be an indication that previous tenants experienced the same as you. I'm sure if you got the villa through an agent he might not know about the history of the villa and I'm sure the owner would not reveal anything if there was something to reveal.

Two suggestions posted on the other forum was to have an Iman come to the home to "bless" it. The other was to burn oud or bakhour. (My preference is bakhour.) You can get inexpensive bakhour and oud at one of the kisoks at Ibn Batutta Mall, Carrefour and Geant. You will also need the coals (in the BBQ section at the supermarket) and a holder.

Good luck.
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Re: Haunted House Jun 09, 2010
I think the quickest for him would be to phone a fatwa line and report the situation, or alternatively like you said Bora visit an imam at a mosque and ask his guidance...

Jinns are creation of God..they can be followers of any religion, be evil or good..
But don't panic seardarren, get as much info about them as possible..

This is what quran says about them..

and this is someone who seemingly has experience with them..
http://www.cureofblackmagic.com/2010/03 ... the-quran/

Good luck..
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Re: Haunted House Jun 09, 2010
I have experienced sleep paralysis. The brain is awake, but the body still sleeps. The dream continues however and is experienced very vivid, as real. Can be scary or pleasurable.
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Re: Haunted House Jun 09, 2010
.....thanks, interesting reading. Forgive my ignorance but what is qirat?

For the record we are not scared or disturbed by it, just curious. We had thought about getting the house blessed as we live directly opposite a small Mosque, but it's not malevolent..... yet!
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Re: Haunted House Jun 09, 2010
FD do you mean incubus by jinns.. I don't know whether it's true but I heard stories of people, babies dying becouse of this..If you are troubled than you know what to do now..

-- Wed Jun 09, 2010 1:28 pm --

Qirat is recitation of quran.
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Re: Haunted House Jun 09, 2010
Flying Dutchman wrote:I have experienced sleep paralysis. The brain is awake, but the body still sleeps. The dream continues however and is experienced very vivid, as real. Can be scary or pleasurable.

A bit hard to know when to take you serious. :lol:
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Re: Haunted House Jun 09, 2010
I am serious. Some try to explain ghost experiences and alien abductions by sleep paralysis. Across cultures people expereince the same a lot of time during sleep paralysis: a creature trying to choke them. This is not experienced by me. The scary part is that you are aware, but cannot move your body. This can take a few minutes.
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Re: Haunted House Jun 09, 2010
FD, What is pleasurable?..you mean you have a Succubus comrade?

If that's the case...

some people have been talking about this on the forums..
http://www.islamicboard.com/general/148 ... ssion.html
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Re: Haunted House Jun 09, 2010
Berrin, thanks for the links. It appears it were succubi (plural). Here is the weird part. I was an evening out with another forum member (Lying Dutchwoman) and a few of her (female) friends. Gorgeous women. One introduced herself as Lilith (later it appeared that's not her real nam). Some of them (including LD and Lilith) were included in my sleep paralysis expereince. Gives me goose bumbs.
Not sure why it is a bad thing though, I wouldnt mind experience it again!

Again, I am serious

In one of your links there is a hierarchy of jinns, which includes Satan, Demons, Devils and Infidels in one category. I donot like that. Also not that dogs are considered jinns.

One hadith is very interesting though:

"As night comes in and it is dusk, then keep your children in for Shaytan gather at that time"

My granny used to say "everything that happens after midnight is from the devil"

-- Wed Jun 09, 2010 3:26 pm --

Did some more reading and this Lilith is fascinating! Claims are that she was the first women (before Eve) or even the first human (before Adam).

It seems she is a real seductress, but:

The word "seductress" here does not refer literally to "prostitute" or at the very least, the representation of one, but one who tempts men into sin.

This quote also caught my attention:

It is believed by some in the field of medicine that the stories relating to encounters with succubi bear similar resemblance to the contemporary phenomenon of people reporting alien abductions, which has been ascribed to the condition known as sleep paralysis. It is therefore suggested that historical accounts of people experiencing encounters with succubi may have been in fact symptoms of sleep paralysis, with the hallucination of the said creatures coming from their contemporary culture.

But I have never heard of them before until now. So, the claim that it comes from contemporary culture is wrong.
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Re: Haunted House Jun 09, 2010
Flying Dutchman wrote:......... "everything that happens after midnight is from the devil"

Hence the saying?: the devil made me do it!!! :lol:
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Re: Haunted House Jun 09, 2010
Jinns can take forms of animals and humans..according to the first link I gave regarding islamic description..
Jinns, just like humans can be non-believers(infidels), muslims, christians..cult believers etc..
So FD, you enjoy being seduced by satan=devil jinns that approach you in human forms that you are infatuated with..hmmm. :roll: :D
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Re: Haunted House Jun 09, 2010
Yes, like I said it is very enjoyable. But, I have to say that I am confused now. I am not a believer in jinns or mambo jambo, but the resemblance is strinking. I knew Lilith was up to no good.
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Re: Haunted House Jun 09, 2010
So now you experienced something to believe in jinns therefore their creator God(Allah)?
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Re: Haunted House Jun 09, 2010
Very intersting FD. Care to shed more light. I love the occult and paranormal phenomena :D

I got some spooky stories of mine aswell
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Re: Haunted House Jun 09, 2010
Not much to add really, except that this Lillith was drop dead gorgeous, one of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. If she walks into a room, EVERY heterosex.ual man gets his full attention. Months later I heard via via that she did end up in prostitution. :shock:

After I had sleep paralysis I read about it, only the scientific part though.
A buddy of mine also had sleep paralysis experiences, he did experience a person sitting on him and choking him, like so many others experienced. This is the interesting part, that from east to west, cultures that never had contact with each other describe(d) the same thing (a breeze thru the room and choked by someone). Amazing.

Your turn.
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Re: Haunted House Jun 09, 2010
Yes true, I've heard old people from my folks villages deep in rural heartland of pakistan talking about this. I never really paid any attention to it then and thought it was just on of those crazy tales. I've also heard my folks relating similar stories of people they know.

Personally I dont know anyone who has experienced it yet. Is it frightning( I would assume it is ), if so like slightly or scare the jeepers out of one scary ?
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Re: Haunted House Jun 09, 2010
I only experienced it once. The body is completely paralyzed. After the hallucination you become completely aware, but still paralyzed. I wanted to shoot "CALL EMERCENCY", but couldn't, couldn't even move my mouth. Then I got scared, not jeepers but the thought crossed my mind that I might be paralyzed the rest of my life. Actually thought about a CSI episode, where someone was given a drug that supposedly causes permanant sleep paralysis.
My friend had multiple experiences. Every time he has the choking experience. Every time he thinks he is near death, and yeah him it does give the jeepers.
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Re: Haunted House Jun 10, 2010
Fascinating stuff.

My mum and others in my family believe in this stuff (paranormal etc). I'm still a sceptic - I guess I just haven't experienced it yet and hence I try to rationalise things.

In Islam there is room for the belief in ghosts etc - and indeed I've heard of other accounts of pious people experiencing things pressing down on them when asleep/in bed etc - so I don't dismiss the accounts, I'm just naturally sceptical. I take the view that it is real for those recounting the experiences.

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Re: Haunted House Jun 10, 2010
seardarren wrote:This going to sound like I'm a nut job but who cares?

The last few nights my wife and I have heard some seriously creepy sounds coming from the Villa. My wife thinks she has seen people walking into the bedroom and I can hear children playing when i know there are none. My favourite sound so far is a child dropping what sounds like a ball bearing from height then hearing the bounce increase as it gets closer to the floor.

We asked out neighbours about any previous complaints (she has lived next door 12 years) and all she would say is that in her time, there have been many people rent this Villa. She has also heard the sounds though, she thought we were some weirdo's with strange habbits until we told her this. It's not the AC as it's been turned off. It's not the multiple fridge compressors. It's spooky!

The villa is about 30 years old, which is a fair innings for this place i suppose. Anything could have happened........

If you are a muslim
Insha allah read this verses from the quran.

ayat al kursie
amana rasulu bimaa....till the end
qul huwa lahu a7ad .....till the end
qul a3udu bi rabbil falaq...till the end
qul a3udu bi rabbi naas...till the end

when you enter ure house read:
"bismi lahi waladjna bismilahi gharadjna wa 3ala rabinna tawakalna"

when you exit ure house read:
"bismilah tawakaltu 3ala allah wa laa hawla wala quwata illa billah"

when you enter ure bathroom/toilet read:
"bismilah allahumma innie a3udu bikka minnal ghubti wal ghaba-it (dont say it inside the toilet--->outside)

when you exit toilet read:

if you have dogs in ure house remove them i tell you why if you are a muslim you should know why.
we muslims love animals too but there is a reason.
if you have a dog who bark/woof at night, be shore you have djins or shaytan in ure house coz they can see what we don't see.

most of djinns live in a house where they don't mention the name of allah.
if you dont pray for allah be shore the djinn is ure compagnon/ure friend/ure mate/ure soul bcz yes they enter body's after a while.if they see the chance to enter ure body wallahi they enter.

ghair insha allah

my uncle is exorcist in europe (manny bad djinns and demons in peaples body's)
i know you don't belive in the unseen but really if you read this parts of the quran you or ure house will cure/heal/recover

allah said in the quran:

wa nunazilu minnal qurani maa huwa shifaa un wa ra7matul lil mu-mineen.

may allah blessure house and ure family

wa alaykum salam
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Re: Haunted House Jul 11, 2010
Wow, thanks BM, a most informative answer.

Things have quietened down a bit recently, but there is still the occasional object falling in the middle of the night.

I'll make sure they remain our friends!

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Re: Haunted House Jul 12, 2010
shafique wrote:Fascinating stuff.

My mum and others in my family believe in this stuff (paranormal etc). I'm still a sceptic - I guess I just haven't experienced it yet and hence I try to rationalise things.

In Islam there is room for the belief in ghosts etc - and indeed I've heard of other accounts of pious people experiencing things pressing down on them when asleep/in bed etc - so I don't dismiss the accounts, I'm just naturally sceptical. I take the view that it is real for those recounting the experiences.


I think your right about "it" targetting pious people. I mean why frighten a sinner who is doomed to hell already.
Although I also regard pious people to be gullible and susceptible to imagining things.
We already know that most of what we see is generated within the brain and not seen by the eyes. Feeling, hearing etc can all be imagined.
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Re: Haunted House Jul 21, 2010
Just get a imam to your house, if theyre bad theyll go and never come back, if theyre goood , im not sure :D
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