I Know It's Sunday, But..

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I Know It's Sunday, but.. Jul 17, 2011
I'm a great believer in anyone being allowed to post what they want on a public forum and this morning I thought I'd have a look for some light relief before I start dusting or whatever a woman does on a rainy Sunday in England.

I clicked on active topics and 12 out of the top 16 were telling me why I should or shouldn't fast. Well I think they were, I didn't read them to be honest. And what's with the odd user names?

What's happening to DF? Are we being overtaken by religion? :shock:

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Re: I Know It's Sunday, But.. Jul 17, 2011
BM, you just wrote what was in my head...
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Re: I Know It's Sunday, but.. Jul 17, 2011
Really? Do I really have to spell out the obvious?! Dubai being in the UAE is Muslim country - we are 2 weeks away from the start of Ramadan. This year is going to be particularly difficult for those fasting as the days are much longer at this time of year.

Please be a little more sensitive. But then how can we possibly expect you to understand these things BM BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIVE HERE!!!!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: I Know It's Sunday, but.. Jul 17, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:Really? Do I really have to spell out the obvious?! Dubai being in the UAE is Muslim country - we are 2 weeks away from the start of Ramadan. This year is going to be particularly difficult for those fasting as the days are much longer at this time of year.

Please be a little more sensitive. But then how can we possibly expect you to understand these things BM BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIVE HERE!!!!

Er! Dubai is a Muslim country? Well I never! Gosh Chocs, you are a mine of information! I really must pay more attention to the country where I own a flat. Silly me :drunken:

Actually if you care to look at some of the posts I was refering to, I don't think they were made by Muslims.
I'll quote one of them for you as I realise you are about as bright as a 2w bulb.

Fasting means taking limited food. Brahmacharya means confining to one wife and does not mean not marrying at all. The Veda and the Gita say that limited food is always good (yuktaahaara…, adyatetticha…). According to the constitution, you can take liquid or solid food in limited quantities on that day. Here, Brahmin means delicate constitution with weak digestion and hence, milk is recommended. Therefore, if you recommend fasting without water, it is against the scripture also. But, these ignorant priests recite only the scripture without knowing its meaning

If living in Dubai means I'll be as boring as you Chocs, then I'm glad I don't.
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Re: I Know It's Sunday, but.. Jul 17, 2011
It's called using your brain and being a bit sensitive BM. I actually thought your thread pretty insulting.

It was a pretty daft thing to post given a. the place the forum targets and b. the time of year. Perhaps engage common sense before posting next time hey.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: I Know It's Sunday, but.. Jul 17, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:It's called using your brain and being a bit sensitive BM. I actually thought your thread pretty insulting.

It was a pretty daft thing to post given a. the place the forum targets and b. the time of year. Perhaps engage common sense before posting next time hey.

Well to coin one of your much used phrases, if you don't like it then move along.

The day I take advice from a thicko like you will be the day I switch the lights off and close the door on my way out.
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Re: I Know It's Sunday, but.. Jul 18, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:It's called using your brain and being a bit sensitive BM. I actually thought your thread pretty insulting.

It was a pretty daft thing to post given a. the place the forum targets and b. the time of year. Perhaps engage common sense before posting next time hey.

Common sense and windbag, thats oxymoronic if there is such a word, actually just moronic :D
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Re: I Know It's Sunday, but.. Jul 18, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:It's called using your brain and being a bit sensitive BM. I actually thought your thread pretty insulting.

It was a pretty daft thing to post given a. the place the forum targets and b. the time of year. Perhaps engage common sense before posting next time hey.

Common sense and windbag, thats oxymoronic if there is such a word, actually just moronic :D

Don't jump on the bandwagon munchkin. I never did think you were as thick as Chocs. Don't shatter my illusion now.
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Re: I Know It's Sunday, but.. Jul 18, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:It's called using your brain and being a bit sensitive BM. I actually thought your thread pretty insulting.

It was a pretty daft thing to post given a. the place the forum targets and b. the time of year. Perhaps engage common sense before posting next time hey.

Common sense and windbag, thats oxymoronic if there is such a word, actually just moronic :D

I think you might be right on that front. Heaven forbid BM ever comes here during Ramadan, the whining would be endless about what she can't do.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: I Know It's Sunday, but.. Jul 18, 2011
Well that's where you are wrong! My next trip will be right in the middle of Ramadan. I was in Dubai last year too. I won't have any problems and I won't be doing any whining.

I'll leave that to you, you seem to be an expert.
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Re: I Know It's Sunday, but.. Jul 18, 2011
Quick open your hot air balloon, then wind bag is going off again.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: I Know It's Sunday, But.. Jul 18, 2011
.........................and they're off!!!!
Bora Bora
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Re: I Know It's Sunday, But.. Jul 18, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:.........................and they're off!!!!

Sorry BB, but it's such a retarded thread. I mean seriously. Doesn't take much to stop and think for a second does it.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: I Know It's Sunday, but.. Jul 18, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:Perhaps engage common sense before posting next time hey.

I can't imagine your behaviour in this thread is common sense. Then again, you cannot make logic out of crazy.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: I Know It's Sunday, But.. Jul 18, 2011
hug and make up you two
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Re: I Know It's Sunday, But.. Jul 18, 2011
The threads are by dattaswami who is not Muslim but Buddhist. Every once in a while he comes on here to spam the forum with religious ramblings. Of course, because Ramadan is coming he is on here trying tell why one should NOT fast. After the earthquake and tsunami in Japan he was on here writing about how those are a result of people sinning against animals or something like that.
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Re: I Know It's Sunday, But.. Jul 18, 2011
general_A wrote:hug and make up you two

They can make a sandwich, two pieces of white bread with a slice of mortadella in the middle!!!! :lol: :)
Bora Bora
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Re: I Know It's Sunday, but.. Jul 18, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:Quick open your hot air balloon, then wind bag is going off again.

Can you never, ever come up with anything original? If you aren't repeating DK's theme that I don't live in Dubai, and therefore haven't a clue about anything, then you are repeating the munckins windbag claims.

How terribly boring you are.

-- Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:56 pm --

Chocoholic wrote:Sorry BB, but it's such a retarded thread. I mean seriously. Doesn't take much to stop and think for a second does it.

If you weren't such a retard you would realise that the posts I refered to weren't made by any Muslims.
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Re: I Know It's Sunday, but.. Jul 18, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Perhaps engage common sense before posting next time hey.

I can't imagine your behaviour in this thread is common sense. Then again, you cannot make logic out of crazy.

Oh shush you. Where's the logic in starting a thread moaning about people posting other threads talking about fasting during ramadan, in a muslim country on which the forum is based.

I'm merely talking sense. BM is just rambling garbage as per usual.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: I Know It's Sunday, but.. Jul 18, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:I'm merely talking sense. BM is just rambling garbage as per usual.

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