Hardcore Wireless Advanced Settings

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Hardcore wireless advanced settings Jun 11, 2008
Any of you experts with advanced settings in wireless routers?


b or g or a?


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Jun 13, 2008
srry man i know only n
Dubai Forum User
Posts: 21

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Re: Hardcore wireless advanced settings Jun 18, 2008
Not_Sure wrote:Any of you experts with advanced settings in wireless routers?


b or g or a?

Treshold = If you have collisions on your network then you might want put a higher value in there, max is 2,048 bytes.
CTS = Clear to Send, it's only useful when you got bad reception or a lot of static
B,G and A are different WLAN standards with G being the fastest. There is a new standard still in draft called N

Best bet is to use the standard settings, make sure G mode is activated and if you still have problems with coverage then you might want to move the access point or get yourself a repeater. Make sure there is no DECT phone, microwave or other electronic device close to the antenna that might disturb.
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