Is Event Horizon Ashamed Of His Faith?

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Is Event Horizon ashamed of his faith? Mar 02, 2012
There have been a string of offers from eh to do things recently, and yet he runs away when his bluff is called.

What seems to be the common factor is that they all seem to relate to his beliefs regarding Christianity. Take for example the thread below about Hitler going to heaven - pretty straightforward question, yet not a peep.

It occurs to me therefore that eh is clearly not interested in a discussion - but rather just cutting and pasting anti-Muslim posts into this forum. This clearly makes him a troll - especially as he often says things like 'I am happy to compare my views..' or 'shafique is avoiding my questions..' etc etc.

Or is it that eh is just embarrassed about the inherent flaws that these questions highlight in his beliefs?

Perhaps eh has now converted to Judaism?

What's your theory?


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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