Did Prophet Muhammad Have A Photographic Memory?

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Re: Did prophet Muhammad have a photographic memory? May 15, 2011
why do I have the feeling that, Gabriel has visited u EH and u don't remember anything, thats why u brought it up :lol:
I understood ur point at the first point, the rest: "what do u want to say?" u r just repeating...

Bethsmum wrote:Why don't Muslims question anything? They seem to believe everything they are drip fed even if it doesn't stand up.

I do :shock: when anyone tells me anything about religion, I stop him and firmly say, what is your source? and is there a comparison between this situation and another? even if he is an Imam, if he doesn't provide the sources i am asking about, i close my ears...

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Re: Did prophet Muhammad have a photographic memory? May 15, 2011
Berrin wrote:absolutely, and many of them aren't especially gifted either...Just pure clean will and intention to memorize it do the trick for everyone and most of them memorize it spotless within 5 years at most, compare that with 23 years of deliverance to the prophet...People also forget that prophets are chosen and favorite servants(souls) of Allah before even they arrived to the world so they must have naturally/physically/characteristicly/mentally and intellectualy been prepared to receive and ricite verses and guide whichever tribes/people they were sent for...

The reason that you lot can recite the Koran from start to finish is that you are drip fed it 24/7 from being children. Children should not be sent to classes and have Islam thrown at them, they hearts and minds should be allowed to run free. Thats the reason you breed so many fanatics.

It's absurd to think Muhammad was some sort of super human. There's no way he could have remembered anything said to him word for word. After all wasn't he entertaining children during this period?

Aisha was the daughter of Muhammad's close friend Abu Bakr. She was initially betrothed to Jubayr ibn Mut'im, a Muslim whose father, though pagan, was friendly to the Muslims. When Khawlah bint Hakim suggested that Muhammad marry Aisha after the death of Muhammad's first wife (Khadijah), the previous agreement regarding marriage of Aisha with ibn Mut'im was put aside by common consent.[10] Aisha was six years old when betrothed to Muhammad.[10][14][15] She stayed in her parents' home until the age of nine or ten, when the marriage was consummated in Medina.[15][16][17][18] with the single exception of al-Tabari, who records that she was ten.[14] Some modern Islamic writers have disagreed with these sources, such as Ahmadiyya leader Maulana Muhammad Ali who wrote in the first half of the 20th century that "there is not the least doubt that Aisha was at least nine or ten years of age at the time of betrothal, and fourteen or fifteen years at the time of marriage.[19][20] Both Aisha and Sawda, his two wives, were given apartments adjoined to the Al-Masjid al-Nabawi mosque.[21]

You lot can't even agree what his marital arrangements were so how can you rely on anything from that period?
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Re: Did Prophet Muhammad Have A Photographic Memory? May 15, 2011
HI BM, H r u.
why do I feel like we are talking about something from the midway, for us we have heard the whole stories, with explanations, from the time of Muhammed (PBUH) childhood, to the time of his death, so it kinda make sense to us.

some ppl didn't hear any of the stories, so they start arguing about something in the middle, putting a side the fact that, the time Muhammed (PBUH) received the message he was in a community where they had customs, and I believe the worst of their time, and Islam didn't transform these customs over a night, but sometimes it took over years to change it,

So there is a sequence, there is preparations, and I agree we all had questions of how and why? I don't remember my parents were feeding me much.

anyway the point is, the questions in religion matters are endless in a way, so reading more is just helping to understand.
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Re: Did prophet Muhammad have a photographic memory? May 15, 2011
Berrin wrote:absolutely, and many of them aren't especially gifted either...Just pure clean will and intention to memorize it do the trick for everyone and most of them memorize it spotless within 5 years at most, compare that with 23 years of deliverance to the prophet...People also forget that prophets are chosen and favorite servants(souls) of Allah before even they arrived to the world so they must have naturally/physically/characteristicly/mentally and intellectualy been prepared to receive and ricite verses and guide whichever tribes/people they were sent for...

Berrin, I'm not asking if Muhammad could memorize the Koran if he sat down and spent months memorizing. I was asking if a person can flawlessly recite what is told to them the first time. Those people are able to process information they are reading into their long term memory.

For Muhammad, specifically, tradition says that angel Gabriel revealed the Koran to Muhammad piece by piece. So, it would be like if I were to appear to you on any random day and read you a line or even a few paragraphs and for you to run to the nearest pen and paper and write everything I said to you without forgetting anything.

Now, perhaps angel Gabriel hung out in this dimension and was kind enough to repeat what he revealed to Muhammad until he got everything right. That's a possibility but not something I can picture an angel doing.

But Mahmoud is right, I guess I will be repeating myself. I was curious to hear any non-supernatural reasons involving Muhammad's excellent short term memory.
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Re: Did prophet Muhammad have a photographic memory? May 15, 2011
Berrin wrote:absolutely, and many of them aren't especially gifted either...Just pure clean will and intention to memorize it do the trick for everyone and most of them memorize it spotless within 5 years at most, compare that with 23 years of deliverance to the prophet...

Good points Berrin.

The interesting thing is that the Quranic verses were revealed over 23 years - and as the new verses were revealed, the Muslims would memorise the new verses and spread them wide (and primarily by memory, as not everyone could read). At that pace, it is even less 'super-human' a feat - but rather something that is quite understandable.

There was a self-correcting mechanism built in - with the multiple redundancies built in and a hard re-set every Ramadhan when the Angel Gabriel would recite again all the verses previously revealed (up to that point).

One of the wonders of the Quran, is the ease with which verses can be memorised - and memorised without mistake.

A comparison I sometimes use is the way we all remember the words to our favourite songs - just from repetition.

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Re: Did prophet Muhammad have a photographic memory? May 15, 2011
That would be a great experiment to perform - pull random people off the street, read them passages of various lengths and then have them repeat what they heard to measure how much they were able to recite and with what degree of accuracy these passages were recited.

It's just strange that tradition doesn't tell us of Muhammad's great ability to recall information with 100% accuracy...outside of his ability to recall what Gabriel revealed to him.

This study on short term memory just shows what kind of an amazing short term memory Muhammad was blessed with:


Procedure: A lab experiment was conducted. Participants had to recall trigrams (three letters, eg. TGH). To prevent rehersal participants were asked to count backwards in threes from a specified number. This is known as the brown peterson technique.

Participants were asked to recall the trigram after intervals of either 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 or 18 seconds.

Findings: The longer the interval delay the less trigrams were recalled. Participants were able to recall 80% of trigrams after a 3 seconds delay. However, after 18 seconds less than 10% of trigrams were recalled correctly.

Conclusion: Short-term memory has a limited duraction when rehersal is prevented. It is thought that this information is lost from short-term memory from trace decay. The results of the study also show the short-term memory is different from long-term memory in terms of duration. Thus supporting the multi-store model of memory.

Criticisms: This experiment has low ecological validity as people do not try to recall trigrams in real life.

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Re: Did Prophet Muhammad Have A Photographic Memory? May 15, 2011
^It would indeed be interesting to try the experiment with Quranic verses and native Arabic speakers.

Tony Buzan etc all have great techniques to improve and use our natural abilities of recall. The ease of which Quranic verses can be memorised by even non-Arabic speakers is another extra-ordinary feature of the Quran!

Great thread eh.

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Re: Did prophet Muhammad have a photographic memory? May 16, 2011
Great thread eh

Only because you are replying to EH's posts! LOL
It was only 3 days ago you were claiming he was on your 'foe list' and you wouldn't answer any of his posts! I knew you weren't big enough to resist! :D

Let's face it! If you didn't repy to EH, you would be preaching at yourself for the majority of the time!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Did prophet Muhammad have a photographic memory? May 16, 2011
Another interesting fact on the subject of perfect recall of long texts - in William Dalrymple's book 'Nine Lives' he recounts the experience of the reciters of epic Hindu poems (which are multiple times longer than the Quran) and how they manage this feat. He pointed out that it was easier for the illiterate story tellers to remember the stories faultlessly, and that when some storytellers were taught to read and consult the Sanskrit texts, their recall suffered.

With its hundred thousand slokas, the Mahabharata is fifteen times the length of the Bible. My friend had asked the bard how he could possibly remember it all. The minstrel replied that, in his mind, each stanza was written on a pebble. The pile of pebbles lay before him always; all he had to do was remember the order in which they were arranged and to ‘read’ from one pebble after another.
Given all this, it seemed extraordinary to find in modern Rajasthan performers who were still the guardians of an entire oral culture. Apart from anything else, I longed to know how the bhopas, who were invariably simple villagers, shepherds, cowherds and so on, often illiterate, could remember such colossal quantities of verse....
I asked whether the bhopas were illiterate. Milman Parry had found in Yugoslavia that this was the one essential condition for preserving an oral epic. It was the ability of the bard to read, rather than changes in the tastes of his audience, that sounded the death knell for the oral tradition. Just as the blind can develop a heightened sense of hearing, smell and touch to compensate for their loss of vision, so it seems that the illiterate have a capacity to remember in a way that the literate simply do not. It was not lack of interest, but literacy itself, that was killing the oral epic.

This had also been the conclusion of the great Indian folklorist Komal Kothari. In the 1950s, Kothari came up with the idea of sending one of his principal sources, a singer from the Langa caste named Lakha, to adult education classes. The idea was that he would learn to read and write, thus making it easier to collect the many songs he had preserved. But soon Kothari noticed that Lakha needed to consult his diary before he began to sing, while the rest of the Langa singers were able to remember hundreds of songs – an ability that Lakha had somehow begun to lose as he slowly learned to write.

[From Ch4: Singer of Epics - Kindle version (so no pg numbers, sorry)]

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Re: Did prophet Muhammad have a photographic memory? May 16, 2011
It's amazing how someone could misunderstand the actual question so profoundly.

I suppose it is an admission over the unlikeliness for anyone short of having a photographic memory to be able to do what Muhammad is alleged to have accomplished.
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Re: Did Prophet Muhammad Have A Photographic Memory? May 16, 2011
so, Did Moses speak with GOD, split the sea, convert a stick to a snake, etc...?
were Jesus able to do all this http://www.aboutbibleprophecy.com/miracles.htm ?
Did Ibrahim survive from the fire?
Did Soliman speake the animals language?
Did Younis stay in the stomach of the whale?
Did Marry born Jesus without being touched?

coz all researches done in the past 798403 years proved that can't happen :lol:

count this on, watch this video...
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Re: Did prophet Muhammad have a photographic memory? May 16, 2011
event horizon wrote:It's amazing how someone could misunderstand the actual question so profoundly.

I suppose it is an admission over the unlikeliness for anyone short of having a photographic memory to be able to do what Muhammad is alleged to have accomplished.

Blimey..Why do you keep talking about visual/photographic memory, when we are talking about echoic/auditory/phonetic memory...In this case there are two different types of memorising right.
Since the prophet was illiterate we can only estimate that angel gabriel's method was focusing on the phonetic memory as the arabic language was his only strength to work on..

-- Mon May 16, 2011 3:10 pm --

Eh as I was reading on this memory thingy I came across these people hearing voices in their head..If you experience that alone or if you get to know someone of that type then pls let us know how it feels scientifically..
:lol: :lol:
http://scienceblog.com/cms/can-hearing- ... 11488.html
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Re: Did prophet Muhammad have a photographic memory? May 16, 2011
Berrin, 'photographic' memory is more of a euphemism that means being able to retain all information that enters the brain into long term memory.

I suppose that's why it is currently referred to as eidetic memory since 'photographic' may be misleading to some.


Since the prophet was illiterate we can only estimate that angel gabriel's method was focusing on the phonetic memory as the arabic language was his only strength to work on..

I'm curious what Muslim tradition says about that. I understand Gabriel's visists are where he manifests from nowhere, transmists a message to Muhammad and exits this dimension.

Do you believe it's possible or likely that during his visits, Gabriel repeated his messages to Muhammad enough times for Muhammad to absorb the material, enabling Muhammad to recall it with perfect accuracy anywhere from a minute to an hour later to be recorded by someone else?

Mahmoud04 wrote:so, Did Moses speak with GOD, split the sea, convert a stick to a snake, etc...?
were Jesus able to do all this http://www.aboutbibleprophecy.com/miracles.htm ?
Did Ibrahim survive from the fire?
Did Soliman speake the animals language?
Did Younis stay in the stomach of the whale?
Did Marry born Jesus without being touched?

coz all researches done in the past 798403 years proved that can't happen :lol:

Of course, if Muslims believe these were miracles, then Muhammad would not need a photographic memory or for angel Gabriel to rehearse with Muhammad for, perhaps, half an hour or longer, during each visitation to ensure Muhammad processed all the information he received.

But I was asking for explanations from people who do not believe Muhammad's recall ability to have been miraculous. I don't have a problem with Muslims if they believe this was miraculous, but I think Muslims who do not believe in a miraculous explanation need to explain how Muhammad was able to recite what he heard, ranging from a few sentences to entire paragraphs, from short term memory.
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Re: Did Prophet Muhammad Have A Photographic Memory? May 17, 2011
i see your point EH, its not for me then but did u watch the above video....
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Re: Did prophet Muhammad have a photographic memory? May 19, 2011
For a start you might actually want to look up what a photographic memory is, as clearly you don't really have an idea.

Photographic memory is being able to remember precisely what you SEE, not what you HEAR, that would be auditory memory. Duh!
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Re: Did prophet Muhammad have a photographic memory? May 19, 2011
Eidetic or photographic memory is popularly defined as the ability to recall images, sounds, or objects in memory with extreme precision and in abundant volume. The word eidetic (pronounced /aɪˈdɛtɨk/) means related to extraordinarily detailed and vivid recall of visual images, and comes from the Greek word εἶδος (eidos), which is directly translatable to "seen" (as a past participle of "see").[1]

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Re: Did Prophet Muhammad Have A Photographic Memory? May 19, 2011
OK children, Seems some of you are interested to know about this thing called "MEMORY" ,

Here is a good book on the subject ->
http://www.amazon.com/Your-Memory-How-W ... 1569246297
Your Memory : How It Works and How to Improve It [Paperback]
Kenneth L. Higbee (Author)

If you would like to *cough* preview *cough* the book - > http://goo.gl/9Myug [Working Link]
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