Child Witches Denounced By African Pastors

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Re: Child Witches Denounced By African Pastors Oct 29, 2010
You're not still trying to justify your racist generalisation are you?

Is the (weird) belief that I'm a racist really a good reason for your extremist views?
event horizon wrote:Then again, for people who eat albinos for their magical powers, I'm a bit surprised that we can really blame outsiders for what's happening.

And from the other thread we can see that the African Pastors seem to be only guilty of following Biblical passages that US Christians would rather didn't exist and wish to ignore. Hmm.

Racist and arrogant - not nice traits.


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Child Witches denounced by African Pastors Oct 29, 2010
Jesse (not Al Sharpton), do you think you need to post under a Muslim handle to fool others of your identity for you to freely express your anti-white/anti-West and anti-Jewish sentiments?

event horizon
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Re: Child Witches Denounced By African Pastors Oct 30, 2010
LOL - my young, racist bigot friend - your fantasies and excuses for your beliefs are getting weirder by the day.

So, you slur African Christian Pastors as 'people' who practice cannibal - but at the end of the day your only criticism of their Biblical witch trials and exorcisms is that they choose to follow the Biblical punishments whilst you'd rather they ignored what the Bible said should be done to witches.

No wonder you're upset. :?

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Child Witches denounced by African Pastors Oct 30, 2010
Ah, a Jesse Jackson shake down.

You got to love Jesse "HymieTown" Jackson's moxie in dropping the race card whenever he believes someone other than him has made a racist remark:

It is utmost common sense that a redneck with a shotgun is going to do more damage than a redneck with a kitchen knife or baseball bat.

Banning minarets is a pretty silly idea - hence the redneck allusions (they also believe in silly - though not sophisticated enough to be 'quaint') ideas.

Also, judging by the numbers of prisoners in Holland, it is a pretty good bet that rednecks and other non-Muslims in prison in eh's home state form a greater proportion of their respective populations than of Moroccans in Dutch prisons (the one's that haven't been closed due to a shortage of offenders, that is). But I now know better than to ask eh to look up stats!

You were asked to produced the equivalent figures from your redneck neighbours. I see that you are trying to wriggle your way out of some work. Sigh.

Does your passport say 'redneck loon' on it?

But seriously, just change my one quote referring to the superstitious beliefs of the people in the region to 'redneck' and it certainly wouldn't raise eyebrows next to the other comments mentioning the criminality and low iq of 'rednecks' in the above statements.

Better yet, change 'redneck' to their African equivalent.

Now Jesse, to whom should I make the check out to - you or Rainbow Push Headquarters?

Oh, who am I kidding, the money goes to the same pockets.
event horizon
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Re: Child Witches Denounced By African Pastors Oct 30, 2010
So, you believe that redneck references justify you holding racist views against fellow Christians from Africa.

What a weird logic you have.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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