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Yawning Oct 16, 2006
Why is yawning contagious?

come on guys.... use ur imagination and cook up the best answer....

i have a very good answer which i read somewhere... i will post it later after some of u come up with some answers....

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Re: Yawning Oct 16, 2006
Nosferatu wrote:Why is yawning contagious?

come on guys.... use ur imagination and cook up the best answer....

i have a very good answer which i read somewhere... i will post it later after some of u come up with some answers....

There is religious Islamic explanation for it but I will leave it out.
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Oct 16, 2006
hey sara....
i dint know there was an explanation in islam about it... come on share it... i would like to know it...
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Oct 16, 2006
Yawning has been researched by scientists for years, and is still a mystery to this day as to why exactly humans and animals alike do it.

There have been myths over the years that it is a trigger responce from the brain due to lack of oxegyn, but it was later announced that people given direct oxegyn, were just as likely to yawn.

It is normally something that is done early am, or pm, due to fatigue, but can also come at times of boredom.

Yawning is psychological because you can tell yourself not to do it and you won't. This is the reason why it is not contagious The normal feeling human, who can sympathize with anothers feelings, will yawn after another person, out of a person's natural reaction to atmosphere.

This has also proven that schitzophrenics (sp) and people that suffer from severe cases of mania, are less likely to yawn after another person, due to their lack of sympathizing for another person in feelings, and lack of aknowledgement to reality.

This by no means is implying that someone who doesen't yawn after another is a manic...just that it is a psychological act, when in reaction to another's yawn
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Oct 16, 2006
it happens be cause when we open our mouth so wide all the germs spread through the air contaminating it and any one who take a single breath ..........................................................

just like SARS :P :P

now every one DEEP BREATHS
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Oct 16, 2006
Well it is act of shitan, there is hadith about it but muslim have to say aood balah men el shitan el rajeem when someone yawn because shitan gets happy and he pass the influence to anyone that sees the yawn.
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Re: Yawning Oct 16, 2006
sara_uk wrote:
Nosferatu wrote:Why is yawning contagious?

come on guys.... use ur imagination and cook up the best answer....

i have a very good answer which i read somewhere... i will post it later after some of u come up with some answers....

There is religious Islamic explanation for it but I will leave it out.

i didnt know tht there was an islamic explination for it lets hear it
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Oct 16, 2006
i guess i will post that funny explanation i talked about in my first post now...

we yawn when there is a pressure difference between the air outside and inside our ears... when we yawn this pressure is equalised... but then the pressure of the air is changed... and so for a person near us, there is a difference in pressure between his ears and the air outside.... so now he yawns... thus yawning is contagious....
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Oct 16, 2006
i guess i will post that funny explanation i talked about in my first post now...

we yawn when there is a pressure difference between the air outside and inside our ears... when we yawn this pressure is equalised... but then the pressure of the air is changed... and so for a person near us, there is a difference in pressure between his ears and the air outside.... so now he yawns... thus yawning is contagious....
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Oct 16, 2006
Yawning is very contagious, a Finnish study revealed that many species of animal do it when one of the group is seen yawning.

For many people, they only have to see the word YAWN, and off they go.
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Oct 17, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Yawning is very contagious, a Finnish study revealed that many species of animal do it when one of the group is seen yawning.

For many people, they only have to see the word YAWN, and off they go.

Yawning is psychological because you can tell yourself not to do it and you won't. This is the reason why it is not contagious The normal feeling human, who can sympathize with anothers feelings, will yawn after another person, out of a person's natural reaction to atmosphere
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Oct 17, 2006
The jury's still out, there are many studies and lots of research into the subject, but no-one really knows why.
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Oct 17, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:The jury's still out, there are many studies and lots of research into the subject, but no-one really knows why.

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