HUGE Visa Problem

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HUGE Visa problem May 28, 2011
I was looking to get some advice from people here as to what I should do...

I've been living here for 4 years now, and I don't have my own visa, I'm sponsored by my dad. (I'm only 15, but I'm pretty much the most responsible person in the household, lol)
Problem is, he got into loads of debt a couple of years ago, and he couldn't pay off the visa because he didn't have enough cash to pay off his bank (credit card) debts.

Ever since then the fine has definitely been piling up, and has probably reached 20,000 dhs.
Now, we're pretty much dirt poor and have no way to pay the visa, my dad doesn't have a job and he can't get one, and my mom works as an art tutor. And I don't even have enough money to get the underage work permit.
Also, this month our rent is coming up and we definitely won't be able to pay it.
My question is, how can I leave the country?
I wanna get my mom and me away from here (and leave my dad, of course), but how in the world can I do this? I've asked her to save up enough cash for a couple of plane tickets, and we're both working on that.
I'm gonna leave and go to London, and my mom's going back to her hometown.

TL;DR: Visa expired long time ago, can't pay fines, wanna leave. How?

EDIT: Also, I'm sorry for the huge post :P

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Re: HUGE Visa problem May 28, 2011
Sorry to say, but I think you'd be pretty much stuck! Even if you got the money together for plane tickets, chances are they'd stop you at immigration at the airport due to the fines and overstays. I would suggest you contact the DNRD and immigration and see if there is anyway they'd take pity on you or what they would suggest.

It sucks that you're in this situation because of you father and you cannot have any blame for that.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: HUGE Visa problem May 28, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:Sorry to say, but I think you'd be pretty much stuck! Even if you got the money together for plane tickets, chances are they'd stop you at immigration at the airport due to the fines and overstays. I would suggest you contact the DNRD and immigration and see if there is anyway they'd take pity on you or what they would suggest.

It sucks that you're in this situation because of you father and you cannot have any blame for that.

oh :(

Problem is I've been kicked out of school because we couldn't afford it anymore, so the past months have been pretty much useless. And I've missed an entire year of my GCSEs.

And thanks for your sympathies, but who exactly do I contact? I'm worried that if I contact immigration or DNRD that they'd lock up my mom. Also should I contact my embassy?
I'm really desperate to get out of here, it's really expensive and at least in London I can get a job and rent a flatshare...with free education of course.
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Re: HUGE Visa problem May 28, 2011
Contacting your embassy (I'm assuming British in your case) would probably be a good idea, to see what they can suggest. Given that you're a minor and none of this is your fault, they could probably work it so that you can leave - your parents however, will be a whole other matter.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: HUGE Visa problem May 28, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:Contacting your embassy (I'm assuming British in your case) would probably be a good idea, to see what they can suggest. Given that you're a minor and none of this is your fault, they could probably work it so that you can leave - your parents however, will be a whole other matter.

Nah it's the Egyptian embassy, I'm just going to London because I have a few friends that I can stay with and besides I don't want to go there now during all the protests and political issues.

Thanks for your help!
I'm gonna get the number for the embassy and give that a try, and I already E-mailed the DNRD a couple of minutes ago.

Again thank you, though it wasn't really pleasant news to hear (not your fault, sorry) it's been really helpful to help me realize how deep we're in.
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Re: HUGE Visa problem May 28, 2011
I've seen similar stuff in the past, and what actually happenes is that the case goes to somekind of immigration court and they always reduce the fine to a very small amount, another case I know a fellow was 5 years overdue and then got a chance to sort out his visa.

The case went to some commitee in Abu Dhabi and result came back as pay 90,000 or leave the country. Which if it was a case like you he would be happy to leave. Eventually he got in touch with guy who knew a guy etc etc. Another case was filed in Dubai and final fine was 5000 dhs. So get in touch with the DNRD or a good PRO.

Truly hope your dad can sort out his issues. Good luck and God speed.
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Re: HUGE Visa problem May 28, 2011
I'm gonna try talking to my mom about this.

thanks guys :cheers:
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Re: HUGE Visa problem May 28, 2011
Don't want to add to your obvious problems but what makes you think you can turn up in London, get a flatshare and free education?
Before you land yourself with more problems I would look into that. I think I can safely say that you've got no chance of paying rent in London with the sort of money you could earn at age 15 unless you are considering child prostitution.
You are living on Fantasy Island.
London is not paved with gold contrary to what you may have been led to believe.

Having said that good luck. It's a shame you have these worries at age 15 years.
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Re: HUGE Visa problem May 28, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:Don't want to add to your obvious problems but what makes you think you can turn up in London, get a flatshare and free education?
Before you land yourself with more problems I would look into that. I think I can safely say that you've got no chance of paying rent in London with the sort of money you could earn at age 15 unless you are considering child prostitution.
You are living on Fantasy Island.
London is not paved with gold contrary to what you may have been led to believe.

Having said that good luck. It's a shame you have these worries at age 15 years.

You're right but at least if I f**k up there it's my fault, and I can have some sense of control over my life. Besides I'm not gonna have to cough up loads of rent, I've found a flatshare for 50 quid a week so for that time being I can live off giving music lessons or working at a record store or something like that. I'm not really living on fantasy island I know how tough it can be without someone to take care of me, but like I said at least there I don't have to pay over 500 dhs just so I can try and find a job (which considering Dubai's economic status, is really hopeless).
And yeh, community school is what I'm hoping to join, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
For now I just have to figure out a way to get myself outta here.
PLUS if anything were to happen (like not being able to pay rent) then I can stay at my friend's place, but I wanna at least TRY and make it on my own.

And tbh I don't really mind worrying about this stuff, I'm not gonna be 15 forever (besides I'm already misanthropic, so there's nothing that can surprise me) and I have to learn to take care of myself. Thanks though. :)

EDIT: :shock: Just realized how this post must sound, just to be clear the animosity in this post is unintentional, and I really do appreciate your advice, but I can take care of myself ;)
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Re: HUGE Visa problem May 28, 2011
I wish you luck. You need to find out of it's legal to work at 15. You may get some job waiting on but I doubt if you will be able to make enough to support yorself.

I don't know of any rental company who would enter into a contract with a 15 year old so it sounds as if what you are doing will be dodgy, subletting from someone. You need to be very careful. There are a lot of strange characters in London.

Are you sure your mother supports you in this move? If I were you, I'd stay put with your mother and tell her to sort something about.
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Re: HUGE Visa problem May 28, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:I wish you luck. You need to find out of it's legal to work at 15. You may get some job waiting on but I doubt if you will be able to make enough to support yorself.

I don't know of any rental company who would enter into a contract with a 15 year old so it sounds as if what you are doing will be dodgy, subletting from someone. You need to be very careful. There are a lot of strange characters in London.

Are you sure your mother supports you in this move? If I were you, I'd stay put with your mother and tell her to sort something about.

It's legal, but I don't get the same pay rights (minimum wage etc), and I'm gonna be 16 in a few months and that's the school leaving age (I get all the same rights as someone over 18 I think)

My mom is really worried about it, but she trusts that I can take care of myself I I'm also doing it for the sake of my political and religious/philosophical views. And I've got some people that I can jam with from time to time.
The education in Syria is horrible too, and I really want to finish my GCSEs and A-levels.
Besides music in the UK (or Europe for that matter) is brilliant IMHO, and I'd love to be part of the music scene there.
I'm not saying that this will all magically happen after two weeks of arriving there, but it increases the odds tbh.
But I guess the grass will always be greener somewhere else, especially if you're living in a place with that in terms of nature, is bankrupt :P
No offense (terrible joke, I know), seriously though my mom IS worried, but I like to think that she trusts me enough to let me live on my own. :)
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Re: HUGE Visa problem May 28, 2011
Well firstly, being Egyptian you’d need a Visa to enter the UK and you would only be allowed to work if you had an Employment Visa, and at 15 you’re too young.

You would only be allowed to work in England from the last Friday in June following your 16th Birthday, so while you say you’ll be 16 in a few Months, if it isn’t before June 24th 2011, you wouldn’t be allowed to work until June 29th 2012, and only if you had an Employment Visa. You would then be able to apply for a NI number which you would need for all your employment, health and social welfare needs.

Until such a time and providing you are successful in your Visa application, you will be without Schooling, Job, Healthcare, Housing and Social Welfare and at the mercy of some very scary people who are a real and everyday threat who target and prey on individuals in similar positions as you are seriously contemplating. I’m truly amazed your parents are even considering this as an option.
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Re: HUGE Visa problem May 29, 2011
Dillon wrote:Well firstly, being Egyptian you’d need a Visa to enter the UK and you would only be allowed to work if you had an Employment Visa, and at 15 you’re too young.

You would only be allowed to work in England from the last Friday in June following your 16th Birthday, so while you say you’ll be 16 in a few Months, if it isn’t before June 24th 2011, you wouldn’t be allowed to work until June 29th 2012, and only if you had an Employment Visa. You would then be able to apply for a NI number which you would need for all your employment, health and social welfare needs.

Until such a time and providing you are successful in your Visa application, you will be without Schooling, Job, Healthcare, Housing and Social Welfare and at the mercy of some very scary people who are a real and everyday threat who target and prey on individuals in similar positions as you are seriously contemplating. I’m truly amazed your parents are even considering this as an option.

Actually 16 is just the leaving school age, at 15 I'd have different rights that's all.
At 15 I'm not allowed to work:
-in a factory or in construction work
-in transport
-in a mine
-on a registered merchant ship.
My hours of work will be limited to 35 hours a week, and I won't be allowed to work for more than 8 hours a day. And since I'm probably not starting school until 2012 (It's too late now, registration closed in April) I think I'd be well set for the time being, given that I do find a job.
And if you are an employee aged 16 or 17 and have not yet achieved a certain standard of education or training, you are entitled to reasonable time off work for study or training. The time off should be paid at your normal hourly rate.

Although the law is unclear whether under 18 year olds are allowed to hold a tenancy, I can ask the landlord for a licence (meaning I don't have a legal right to stay, but the landlord's personal permission), plus I can apply for housing benefits which I admit, will be a little difficult to get since I would be new to the UK, but it's still possible and allowed. By the way, it's against the law to discriminate against someone because of their age, gender or race, so legally I can file charges against the landlord if he refuses to give me tenancy (which I probably won't do, but just to let you know how much research I put into this). The difference between me and someone over 18 is that I cannot hold a mortgage. All these laws and rights are indifferent to whether I'm new to the UK or have been living there all my life.

Trust me I haven't just suddenly decided I want to go to the 'big pretty shiny city', I've given it a good amount of thought and research, and I'm willing to do what it takes to survive out there. Also if something was to happen to me, the local authority has a duty to provide accommodation if I'm homeless.
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Re: HUGE Visa problem May 29, 2011
Your research is correct, for a citizen who is legally, a resident of the UK.

At 15 you would be a minor without a parent or guardian with residency rights, you would not be granted an Employment visa, without an Employment Visa you would not be allowed to work, unless on an illegal status, you would have no right to employment .

Without an Employment Visa you will not be granted a NI number which means you will be without Schooling, Job, Healthcare, Housing and Social Welfare, this includes any rights you may have as a citizen and the duty of care of a local authority, they will only provide accommodation to legal residents of the state, as an alien and without a NI number, the local authority will provide a bed for you in a detention centre where you will be processed and sent for deportation, your only alternative, other than friends or family would be one of the charities, trust me, you don’t want to do this!

the UKBA now allow entry to the UK on a 5 Tier points system, Tier 1 being the most desirable category for individuals to be allowed entry and Tier 5 the least, with the information you have provided here on DF, you would only be allowed entry to the UK under a tourist visa where you would have no access to, Job, Healthcare, Housing and Social Welfare. You appear to be an intelligent and articulate individual, but selective in what you want to hear, identify the visa under which you will apply to enter the UK, you will then understand what benefits that visa will provide, anything else you do will be illegal.

I think you’ll find your ‘Huge Visa Problem’ will be gaining access to the benefits system within the UK, which appears to be central to your plans, and not just getting out of Dubai.
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Re: HUGE Visa problem May 29, 2011
Dillon is correct, as a non-resident of the UK you are not entitled to anything. I would think long and hard about your decisions. You can't just waltz in and expect to be given all the benefits that residents have, it doesn't work like that.

I would strongly suggest your family try to resolve their situation here.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: HUGE Visa problem May 29, 2011
Dillon wrote:Your research is correct, for a citizen who is legally, a resident of the UK.

At 15 you would be a minor without a parent or guardian with residency rights, you would not be granted an Employment visa, without an Employment Visa you would not be allowed to work, unless on an illegal status, you would have no right to employment .

Without an Employment Visa you will not be granted a NI number which means you will be without Schooling, Job, Healthcare, Housing and Social Welfare, this includes any rights you may have as a citizen and the duty of care of a local authority, they will only provide accommodation to legal residents of the state, as an alien and without a NI number, the local authority will provide a bed for you in a detention centre where you will be processed and sent for deportation, your only alternative, other than friends or family would be one of the charities, trust me, you don’t want to do this!

the UKBA now allow entry to the UK on a 5 Tier points system, Tier 1 being the most desirable category for individuals to be allowed entry and Tier 5 the least, with the information you have provided here on DF, you would only be allowed entry to the UK under a tourist visa where you would have no access to, Job, Healthcare, Housing and Social Welfare. You appear to be an intelligent and articulate individual, but selective in what you want to hear, identify the visa under which you will apply to enter the UK, you will then understand what benefits that visa will provide, anything else you do will be illegal.

I think you’ll find your ‘Huge Visa Problem’ will be gaining access to the benefits system within the UK, which appears to be central to your plans, and not just getting out of Dubai.

I see...
So I'm not allowed an Employment Visa at my age? Would it be sufficient to live off a student visa?
I mean having a student visa allows me to have part time work and study, but I'm not sure if I'm eligible for it.

I'm going to call the UK embassy here and learn more about this, it seems as if all the research I've done is useless to me.
Anyways thanks for letting me know this, I'd rather find out now than after I visit the embassy.
And you're right, everyone always tells me this...I only hear what I want to hear :P

Chocoholic wrote:Dillon is correct, as a non-resident of the UK you are not entitled to anything. I would think long and hard about your decisions. You can't just waltz in and expect to be given all the benefits that residents have, it doesn't work like that.

I would strongly suggest your family try to resolve their situation here.

Yeah that's not going to happen soon, at least not in my lifetime.

Apparently I misunderstood everything about applying for a residence visa, I thought all you had to do was say 'I would like to move here permanently' and I would be granted one...
sadly that's not the case though.

Thanks everyone.

EDIT: Would it make any difference if I was an emancipated minor?
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Re: HUGE Visa problem May 29, 2011
LOL wouldn't we all love to just be able to rock up and live and work of our country of choice, anywhere in the world? Just doesn't happen.
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Re: HUGE Visa problem May 29, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:LOL wouldn't we all love to just be able to rock up and live and work of our country of choice, anywhere in the world? Just doesn't happen.

Yeah...doesn't exactly help my misanthropy lol
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Re: HUGE Visa problem May 29, 2011
cw71017 wrote:EDIT: Would it make any difference if I was an emancipated minor?

Unfortunately not, neither a precocious minor! LOL Although a sense of humour does help in situations like this. Incidentally, real men avoid tofu like the plague!

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Re: HUGE Visa problem May 29, 2011
Take it one step at a time bro. Right now worry about getting out of here and get that ball rolling. Once your back home then think about moving on from there or what your other options are.
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Re: HUGE Visa problem May 29, 2011
Dillon wrote:
cw71017 wrote:EDIT: Would it make any difference if I was an emancipated minor?

Unfortunately not, neither a precocious minor! LOL Although a sense of humour does help in situations like this. Incidentally, real men avoid tofu like the plague!



desertdudeshj wrote:Take it one step at a time bro. Right now worry about getting out of here and get that ball rolling. Once your back home then think about moving on from there or what your other options are.

I will, I'm redrafting the entire idea in my head now.
I'm gonna read a lot more about immigration laws, because I find that the more familiar you are with the law, the easier it would be to bend/break it (without actually being outside of it).
This entire thing would be much easier if I was born 12 months

-- Sun Jun 05, 2011 6:11 pm --

Sorry for double posting, but it's my thread so whatever :p

Anyways, I've been trying to find another place that I can go to (preferably an English speaking country) and I thought maybe Canada? Since the birth rate in that country is pretty low, surely it must be easier to immigrate there?
I looked up the laws and found that it's much different to the UK, and I was right...basically what you have to do is show up with the intent of living there, no kidding.
Now I maybe wrong since I barely gave it 30 - 45 mins of research, but how realistic am I being?

If I had found a friend to room with, and found a job before I got there...I think my chances would be higher.

None of this is certain, I'm really just typing my thoughts.
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Re: HUGE Visa Problem Sep 22, 2015
cw71017 , i'm homeless and i'm only 13........

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