Letter Box

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Letter Box Jun 09, 2005
Dear Members,

follow this thread to express your love, gratitude and feelings to someone...


sweet mary

sweet mary
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dear.. Jun 26, 2005
an open letter for
count _,_,K,_,_,_
( fill in the blanks,if anyone can..)

Dear MR. "DER MANEY" or MR. "C.M.S"

I dont know what to say...
what i have for you right now is not new...
ive been to this stage...over and over again...
just like a good ride in a roller coaster...
the thrill, the excitement,the fear..
I feel that all in deep full intensity with you...
but you are like a star to me...I can see,
but million miles away,
thats why I cannot touch...

sometimes... i want to tell you,
how you make me feel weak,
yet, I could fly when you pass by...
you make me feel like a child, shivering inside...
and to add up how you make me Clueless,

for when i see you,
my brain is flying somewhere..I dont know.

and let me qoute a line from smashing pumpkins song.
" You dis arm me with your smile"
( and im wondering if you know that..)

you might not see it, but im swooning deep inside,
as if Im under your spell...
and all the things i see,feel,smell,
is YOU...

I didnt know I was looking for love..
Till I found you..

I maybe demented,but Im not crazy
You are just here in my heart...
in the center of it...

but its so hard to love a person like you
where everything matters

as in everything...

and most of all the biggest question is..

if you love me too...
if you could love me too...

i wish it will happen...
not just in my dreams.

countess yayie
countess yayie
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Re: dear.. Jun 26, 2005
countess yayie wrote:an open letter for
count _,_,K,_,_,_
( fill in the blanks,if anyone can..)

Dear MR. "DER MANEY" or MR. "C.M.S"

I dont know what to say...
what i have for you right now is not new...
ive been to this stage...over and over again...
just like a good ride in a roller coaster...
the thrill, the excitement,the fear..
I feel that all in deep full intensity with you...
but you are like a star to me...I can see,
but million miles away,
thats why I cannot touch...

sometimes... i want to tell you,
how you make me feel weak,
yet, I could fly when you pass by...
you make me feel like a child, shivering inside...
and to add up how you make me Clueless,

for when i see you,
my brain is flying somewhere..I dont know.

and let me qoute a line from smashing pumpkins song.
" You dis arm me with your smile"
( and im wondering if you know that..)

you might not see it, but im swooning deep inside,
as if Im under your spell...
and all the things i see,feel,smell,
is YOU...

I didnt know I was looking for love..
Till I found you..

I maybe demented,but Im not crazy
You are just here in my heart...
in the center of it...

but its so hard to love a person like you
where everything matters

as in everything...

and most of all the biggest question is..

if you love me too...
if you could love me too...

i wish it will happen...
not just in my dreams.

countess yayie

Count Baking! I make love for you madam :D
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Jul 17, 2005
Baby (v.....)

please forgive me for all what I did
i love you so much
but life should move on
you were my real true love
I am sorry again hope you forgive me
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