Spouse Visas

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spouse visas Nov 23, 2005
in the process of moving out to dubai. preparing the paperwork so when my residence visa sponsored by work is complete i can obtain a visa for my wife. I am ENglish my wife is not. We have had our marriage certificate legalised in England and been through the notary process but the UAE embassy in London refused to accept it without endorsement from the London Embassy for my wife, which tye wouldn't do as it wasn't their document. So we got a copy of marriage certificate officially translated by my wife's country's embassy in London and have submitted that, endorsed by our notary and the Foreign office. The UAE embassy are not accepting this, as it is missing some paperwork. According to our notary and the agent handling things in London, every other embassy would accept the first submission. The UAE embassy is notoriously difficult. Has anyone got any advice on how to resolve this? The only way around it i can see is to travel half way round the world to my wife's original country and apply in person through the embassy in that coutnry.


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