10 Habits That Lead To Poverty

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10 Habits That Lead To Poverty Apr 05, 2014
1. A feeling of regret in relation to himself.

Poor people believe that being rich is not destined to them. Someone pities himself for having been born a woman (because men have more opportunities), one pities herself for a full figure (because slim people get better jobs), someone mourns his height, nationality, skin color , the religion of their ancestors, some people feel sorry for myself that is still not married, others are crying because of the ring on the ring finger or because of divorce, the young see the source of problems in the inexperience, the elderly – in their age. What do you think, if a person is sorry for themselves because of some unimportant fact and all day focuses on it, what will people around him do? Feeling sorry for yourself is a great way to get multi-ton anchor that will stop you on the path of personal development and provide eternal poverty. Feeling sorry for yourself is the best method for finding low-wage jobs and gaining a miserable existence.

2. Greed

The constant search for a price tag that says “Save” and store with a banner “Sale”, an unwillingness to pay for good education of your children, desire to make the staff of your own company to work as much as you can for less money are right indications that you have the second habit that poor people have. The desire for total savings is not a sign of wisdom, but an indicator that you are experiencing an imbalance of revenues and expenses and come to resolve it with the wrong hand. Programmed for wealth are people willing to pay for things their real value and generously reward the work of their assistants and expects the same from others.

3. Learn things that you hate.

Kate hates to wash dishes, but nobody wants to help her. John can not stand to walk with the dog, but he is lazy to build an aviary. Michael comes to rabies from having to make a quarterly report, but none of his deputies are able to do it. Lisa scorns auditor’s work, but so she can pay for a loan that has to return when she bought a car last summer. All these people are willing to failure and poverty .The key to salvation from a third habit of a poor man – do what you want, and what causes the greatest satisfaction. Only in this area, you’ll get great results!

4. Measuring success with money

Poor people believe that just having a certain amount of money can bring him joy. Only a certain amount in the bank can give him a chance to feel happiness through designer clothes, beautiful house, travel, independence from her husband or parents or care with work. But experience shows that happiness has not come. Successful people measure happiness in terms that are more important than dollars.

5. Spending more money than you can afford

Credit cards and bank employees smiling with pleasure will help you to be in debt. A man who does not want to be successful, does not want to understand the difference between a useful credit taken on the development of a business, and ruinous loan for a luxury car or a huge mansion.

6. Selecting an instant benefit

The desire to get right and to the maximum is the eternal property of the poor. They are not able to understand that, when settling on the position of the average wage in a solid company is possible a few years to have a lot more than if you only pay attention to how much you get in a month. Ready-to-failure students have to say that the institution only deprives them of the time, which could be spent on “having profits.”

7. Whimper

Life is hard? Just terrible? All around there is discrimination, corruption, rudeness, crime – for you, a normal person there is no road to success? With all this would agree each potential loser. The vaccine of this habit is to be creative. Find a unique opportunity to fight the evils of the environment, emerging victorious from the initially unfavorable situation for you!

8. Comparing yourself to others

Peter thinks he’s better than his classmates because he’s the only one who finished the eighth grade as “excellent.” Bob is sure that he is worse than all his friends, because one does not work during the summer holidays. And Lena wants to strangle her girlfriend, because of the number of fans. All these people have the well-developed eighth habit of failure – the desire to compare themselves with others. Consider whether this habit or you better does not admit that the outside world takes control of the internal?

9. Measuring the wealth of money

Truly rich people do not just break the link between happiness and money signs (getting rid of the habit of poor fourth), but crossed out an equal sign between the size of the account and the notion of wealth. The real wealth is the ability to raise money, build them from scratch, organize new businesses – and then you are not afraid of any tax from the gene, prosecutors’ offices, or a robbery or the stolen credit card numbers. The truly successful person does not depend on the volume of the bag with gold.

10. Isolate yourself from your family

Gorgeous losers are obtained from those who keeps away from your family, explaining the reluctance of its members to support them in difficult times, to borrow money, to understand, to share beliefs and the like. They do not realize that the family is a great source of domestic support, which can be accessed when in all other spheres of life, nothing else remains. Only love can help to close up from knees, when having no hope – and then to achieve true greatness.

source: http://www.freud-sigmund.com/10-habits-lead-poverty

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Re: 10 Habits That Lead To Poverty Apr 05, 2014
True, thanks for sharing.
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Re: 10 Habits That Lead To Poverty Apr 21, 2014
These are some interesting points. I also believe that when we think negative, it will lead us to poverty.
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Re: 10 Habits That Lead To Poverty Jun 26, 2014
Its title should be "10 Habits That Can Make You Gorgeous Losers". Good Writing.
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