Do U Believe In Good Luck Charms,.......... ?!

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Jan 04, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:I suggest you do some research on the origins of such things maybe,

I hope you're not implying that I'm not too bright or reasonably well read.

Dubai Expat Helper
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Jan 04, 2009
No no not at all. I just mean that without actually showing you the book that I have I cannot explain what I'm trying to say. I'm the one lacking in communication skills on this one.

I'll get the title and author of the book, then if you read a few pages, you'll understand exactly what I mean.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 04, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:No no not at all. I just mean that without actually showing you the book that I have I cannot explain what I'm trying to say. I'm the one lacking in communication skills on this one.

I'll get the title and author of the book, then if you read a few pages, you'll understand exactly what I mean.

Bible? Koran?

Dubai Expat Helper
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Jan 04, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:
rudeboy wrote:chocs i m not forcing you to believe in god. all i m saying is that there will be time when god will test you or you will yourself remember god. thats all.

i dont believe in any of this hocus pocus and thats because i believe in god who created everything you see in front of you.

And if you believe that, that fine. But let me ask you this? What will happen if you've put all this faith and all this trust into God! And one day that belief turns out to be hocus pocus?

Just a hypothetical question!

choco ok fine i wont argue with you lets say it is hocus pocus. but at the same thing i will ask you this.

On earth, there are humans, insects, animals, birds and etc the list goes on and on. how are they all different? for example we all have the same skin, same eyes, same legs and arms which operate in the same way. but why is it that someone has a FAT nose, a small nose, blue eyes or black eyes, or blonde hair or black hair. can you explain why we all are different?

we all were made by luck? by magic? maybe yeh someone did hocus pocus and tadaaaah here we are!
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