And Here's Another Version To Add To The Eisa Defense.

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And here's another version to add to the Eisa defense. Jan 21, 2010
Gulf News should have a "Humor" section. A little something for your amusement. You have to chuckle at how preposterous it is. It defies logic and reasoning, especially following the other stories on the case.

Here's Eisa doing business with the American, and puts the American in charge of dispensing his drugs. (See bold text in article) WHAT?!?!?! Eisa lost control each time the American administered the drugs that Eisa put him in charge of. Again - WHAT?!?!? And these are statements made by an imam!!! Is that to say that it is absolute truth?? Three witnesses saw the American "secretly" put drugs in Eisa's juice and failed to mention to Eisa what they saw. Again - WHAT?!?!? Two people who were involved in the "crime" are "at large" (or gone missing is probably more like it). ... s-1.571203

Dubai: A court acquitted Shaikh Eisa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan of assaulting an Afghan merchant after three witnesses testified that he was "intentionally drugged without his knowledge" prior to the videotaped assault.

"The Al Ain Court of First Instance concluded [based on witnesses' statements and investigations conducted by the police and public prosecution] that prior to the incident, Shaikh Eisa was behaving normally. Shaikh Eisa sat with the American accused, G.N., in the resthouse of his palace where G.N. secretly put a drug in his juice. A witness named A.A.R. testified that he spotted G.N. putting pills in the juice which he served to Shaikh Eisa. A.A.R. stated that Shaikh Eisa acted normally until he drank the juice after which his behaviour changed and [he] acted strangely," read the verdict sheet, a copy of which was obtained by Gulf News.

No control

The court verdict also said: "The jury concluded that Shaikh Eisa was unaware of his acts and had no control over his behaviour because he was given intoxicating drugs and mind-affecting substances without any knowledge from his side or knowledge about its content and effects. The imam of the palace's mosque testified that G.N. was in charge of handling Shaikh Eisa's medication and regulated the times when he used it. G.N. used to mix the drugs with the medicines and give it to Shaikh Eisa, testified the imam. Another witness also testified that Shaikh Eisa used to behave strangely and would lose control soon after G.N. gave him his medication each time. The court was further convinced that G.N. and his brother B.N. orchestrated the incident and videotaped it secretly and they broadcast it after they failed to blackmail Shaikh Eisa. The court acquitted Shaikh Eisa for lack of responsibility over his behaviour."

Shaikh Eisa's lawyer, Dr Habib Al Mulla, told Gulf News on Wednesday: "This proves that the judgment was well-founded, taking into consideration all issues pertaining to the case. The judgement confirms our line of defence that the tape which was broadcast is not admissible evidence and that it had been tampered with."

The court had cleared Shaikh Eisa of endangering the life of the Afghan merchant, M.S., and of sexually abusing him with a stick.

The jury granted M.S. Dh10,000 in temporary compensation against libel damages which he incurred after the American brothers posted the videotape on the internet without his consent.

The brothers were sentenced to five years in jail after the court convicted them of possessing drugs to carry out a criminal act, endangering the life of Shaikh Eisa (they mixed the drug with his drink and served it to him), defaming and insulted Shaikh Eisa by broadcasting what the bill of charges termed "slanderous videotape".


The court imprisoned a 40-year-old Syrian, identified as Y.K., for one year after he was convicted of assaulting and abusing the merchant.

Meanwhile, F.I., a Palestinian, and N.M., an Indian, who are both at large, were sentenced in absentia to three years in jail. The court found them guilty of molesting and abusing the Afghan and assaulting him.

I can't wait for the next chapter......

Bora Bora
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Re: And here's another version to add to the Eisa defense. Jan 21, 2010
Not only was he "acquitted' but he got AED 10,000.00 :roll: :roll: :roll: get me some of them drugs.

Next chapter will be that they got the drugs from a witch and a one-eye dwarft who arrived in a space ship (more believable).
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Re: And here's another version to add to the Eisa defense. Jan 21, 2010
bora bora,

never mind him being guilty but you believed that a government framed Sharlah musbah and you didn't believe that those American -lebonones framed such a guy to blackmail him ? I'm sorry are being racist here ? or what exactly is your story :roll: ? I think DF is starting to effect your judgment dear.

never mind my question and you have a nice weekend, I'm off to Hatta if you guys wana taq a long. 8)
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Re: And here's another version to add to the Eisa defense. Jan 21, 2010
uaekid wrote:bora bora,

never mind him being guilty but you believed that a government framed Sharlah musbah and you didn't believe that those American -lebonones framed such a guy to blackmail him ? I'm sorry are being racist here ? or what exactly is your story :roll: ? I think DF is starting to effect your judgment dear.

never mind my question and you have a nice weekend, I'm off to Hatta if you guys wana taq a long. 8)

Here's what I have to say to ALL of it: Liar, liar, pants on fire!!!!

Stop with pointing the finger at Eisa!!!! I'm pointing out the JUST-IS method used to acquit him. He could be Bozo the Clown - it's the so called justice system that is used to exonerate a guilty person!!! Get it through you thick head DEAR!!!!!

God, apparently you need to be spoon fed every bit of logic, because I think you are overdosing on ice cream DEAR!!!!
Bora Bora
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Re: And here's another version to add to the Eisa defense. Jan 21, 2010
Actually this case is not as baffling as some of the others that I am seeing in UAE

1) Waiter gets life in jail for having 0.16g of metamphetamine

2) 3 Men get 1 year in jail for burning their driver to death simply because they were rich enough to pay blood monet

3) 2 convicts get 1 year in jail for killing another convict for not handing over groceries (which the deceased had paid for)

I mean is having less than a gram of drugs so much worse than killing people ?
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Re: And here's another version to add to the Eisa defense. Jan 21, 2010
Talk about censorship lol.. I simply posted that I find it hard to believe in response to the article in Arabianbusiness online and my post was rejected lol..

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Arabian Business would like to point out that only comments relevant to the story will be published. Any containing personal insults or inappropriate language will not be approved".
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Re: And here's another version to add to the Eisa defense. Jan 21, 2010
Bora Bora wrote:
uaekid wrote:bora bora,

never mind him being guilty but you believed that a government framed Sharlah musbah and you didn't believe that those American -lebonones framed such a guy to blackmail him ? I'm sorry are being racist here ? or what exactly is your story :roll: ? I think DF is starting to effect your judgment dear.

never mind my question and you have a nice weekend, I'm off to Hatta if you guys wana taq a long. 8)

Here's what I have to say to ALL of it: Liar, liar, pants on fire!!!!

Stop with pointing the finger at Eisa!!!! I'm pointing out the JUST-IS method used to acquit him. He could be Bozo the Clown - it's the so called justice system that is used to exonerate a guilty person!!! Get it through you thick head DEAR!!!!!

God, apparently you need to be spoon fed every bit of logic, because I think you are overdosing on ice cream DEAR!!!!

The only thing you are getting throw my big bold thick head is that justice is only due when it comes to an emarati but when it comes to other ( BOZOs)oohhh no they are being framed, let them go they are tourists ,you want justice then apply it on all not just on ppl with money hon ,don't be shallow. again you are not practicing what you preach.
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Re: And here's another version to add to the Eisa defense. Jan 21, 2010
cant believe this is still going on.

anyways i believe that money means power and in short what do you think will happen if:

the pope has a good time in his private chambers with one of the choir boy :D will he be thrown to the jail?? YES OR NO?

prince charles or harry go and i dont know kill a puppy :D will they be thrown to the jail??

come on guys stop wasting ur time and get on with it. these people have money and power. there is no double standards. show me one monarchy of the world or some religious leader that has got away with it???

only one name comes to my mind that got away with it and thats Herve the old french dog :D
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Re: And here's another version to add to the Eisa defense. Jan 22, 2010
Stylinexpat wrote:Talk about censorship lol.. I simply posted that I find it hard to believe in response to the article in Arabianbusiness online and my post was rejected lol..

Thank you for your recent comment posted on
We regret to inform you that your post did not meet the terms and conditions for comments and therefore will not be published.
"All posts are sent to the administrator for review and are published only after approval. reserves the right to remove any comment at any time for any reason. Please keep your responses appropriate and on topic.
Arabian Business would like to point out that only comments relevant to the story will be published. Any containing personal insults or inappropriate language will not be approved".
Best regards,

Wow now I know where DF netnannies got their censorship ideas. the oriny is that apparently these 2 clowns/mods at DF are supposed to be fromt he UK :shock: :shock: Nore ironic still is that Arabian Businses actually responded. At DF you don't know that posts have been deleted until the poster then complaint. But hey, life is short.
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Re: And here's another version to add to the Eisa defense. Jan 22, 2010
rudeboy wrote:cant believe this is still going on.

anyways i believe that money means power and in short what do you think will happen if:

the pope has a good time in his private chambers with one of the choir boy :D will he be thrown to the jail?? YES OR NO?

prince charles or harry go and i dont know kill a puppy :D will they be thrown to the jail??

come on guys stop wasting ur time and get on with it. these people have money and power. there is no double standards. show me one monarchy of the world or some religious leader that has got away with it???

only one name comes to my mind that got away with it and thats Herve the old french dog :D

Rudeboy you always amuse me, you must be very bitter, useless and jealous in your life to bring my name in this thread and compare me to this pervert animal, a criminal who got away because the justice system is so corrupt, same crooked justice who convicted me while I was innocent and could not challenge the liars who were falsly accusing me. Give it a little time, and a US court will find me innocent and give another blow to this beduin settlement who got rich over night doing nothing.
And if I got away, yes it is thank to his brother Sheikh Khaled, he sold me one of his boats so I could escape by sea, cross the Arabian sea and reach India. Look over the internet you will find a long list of Royals who got caught doing something stupid and found themselves before a judge and punished, but never for something this awfull and extremely grave as torturing a poor man on the ground, and we know only about this one, I am sure it was not the first case, he just got caught with this one. How arrogant of you to compare Royals with centuries and centuries of bloodline, who fascionned the word as it is today, with a bunch of goat keepers who were riding camels 50 years ago and draw water from wells, with no history whatsoever, no culture, and the most anachronisitc laws in the world to maintain their control over people like you. They are not royals, they own. Ownership does not bring you good taste and good behavior.
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Re: And here's another version to add to the Eisa defense. Jan 22, 2010
herve your book is on sale !! what happened there ? no sales ?
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Re: And here's another version to add to the Eisa defense. Jan 22, 2010
herve wrote:
rudeboy wrote:cant believe this is still going on.

anyways i believe that money means power and in short what do you think will happen if:

the pope has a good time in his private chambers with one of the choir boy :D will he be thrown to the jail?? YES OR NO?

prince charles or harry go and i dont know kill a puppy :D will they be thrown to the jail??

come on guys stop wasting ur time and get on with it. these people have money and power. there is no double standards. show me one monarchy of the world or some religious leader that has got away with it???

only one name comes to my mind that got away with it and thats Herve the old french dog :D

Rudeboy you always amuse me, you must be very bitter, useless and jealous in your life to bring my name in this thread and compare me to this pervert animal, a criminal who got away because the justice system is so corrupt, same crooked justice who convicted me while I was innocent and could not challenge the liars who were falsly accusing me. Give it a little time, and a US court will find me innocent and give another blow to this beduin settlement who got rich over night doing nothing.
And if I got away, yes it is thank to his brother Sheikh Khaled, he sold me one of his boats so I could escape by sea, cross the Arabian sea and reach India. Look over the internet you will find a long list of Royals who got caught doing something stupid and found themselves before a judge and punished, but never for something this awfull and extremely grave as torturing a poor man on the ground, and we know only about this one, I am sure it was not the first case, he just got caught with this one. How arrogant of you to compare Royals with centuries and centuries of bloodline, who fascionned the word as it is today, with a bunch of goat keepers who were riding camels 50 years ago and draw water from wells, with no history whatsoever, no culture, and the most anachronisitc laws in the world to maintain their control over people like you. They are not royals, they own. Ownership does not bring you good taste and good behavior.

I tried to send you a pm but it did not work..
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Re: And here's another version to add to the Eisa defense. Jan 22, 2010
rudeboy wrote:cant believe this is still going on.

anyways i believe that money means power and in short what do you think will happen if:

the pope has a good time in his private chambers with one of the choir boy :D will he be thrown to the jail?? YES OR NO?

prince charles or harry go and i dont know kill a puppy :D will they be thrown to the jail??

come on guys stop wasting ur time and get on with it. these people have money and power. there is no double standards. show me one monarchy of the world or some religious leader that has got away with it???

only one name comes to my mind that got away with it and thats Herve the old french dog :D

No double standards??? Please go back and read my posts. I mention how the justice system works - anywhere in the world: double standards: the haves and the have nots - those who can and those who cannot. Different JUST-IS is dealt out.

As for Herve, it's so easy to try someone in absentina, and that' is how Herve was tried in the UAE. There are two voices here - the one heard in the UAE and the one heard in the US. The courts in the US don't consider frivilous cases, and if they have accepted Herve's petition for a case against the UAE, it's because he was able to substantiate his claims, it was not based on his word against theirs. The reason Herve was allowed to bring a suit against Dubai World is because DW is legally set up to do business in the US. Therefore, DW will have to defend itself under US law, which goes way beyond "I said, he said".
Bora Bora
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Re: And here's another version to add to the Eisa defense. Jan 22, 2010
uaekid wrote:
Bora Bora wrote:
uaekid wrote:bora bora,

never mind him being guilty but you believed that a government framed Sharlah musbah and you didn't believe that those American -lebonones framed such a guy to blackmail him ? I'm sorry are being racist here ? or what exactly is your story :roll: ? I think DF is starting to effect your judgment dear.

never mind my question and you have a nice weekend, I'm off to Hatta if you guys wana taq a long. 8)

Here's what I have to say to ALL of it: Liar, liar, pants on fire!!!!

Stop with pointing the finger at Eisa!!!! I'm pointing out the JUST-IS method used to acquit him. He could be Bozo the Clown - it's the so called justice system that is used to exonerate a guilty person!!! Get it through you thick head DEAR!!!!!

God, apparently you need to be spoon fed every bit of logic, because I think you are overdosing on ice cream DEAR!!!!

The only thing you are getting throw my big bold thick head is that justice is only due when it comes to an emarati but when it comes to other ( BOZOs)oohhh no they are being framed, let them go they are tourists ,you want justice then apply it on all not just on ppl with money hon ,don't be shallow. again you are not practicing what you preach.

Kid, you have totally lost the plot. You need to find a new platform. You seem to want to take the spotlight off of your buddy Eisa and put in on Sharla. You didn't address one point in my original post. I will say this: at least the charges against Sharla could be believeable compared to the defense used on Eisa, including the "new evidence revealed" in my opening post. Maybe the defense for Eisa should have thrown in some possibly "believeable" statements instead of what seems to be total madness. Everytime someone opens their mouth to defend Eisa's acquittal they only end up embarrassing the JUST-IS system and the country, adding to the last embarrassment.

Excuse me while I have myself a good laugh hon.
Bora Bora
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Re: And here's another version to add to the Eisa defense. Jan 22, 2010
look money matters.

just ask herve how he got away in his dingy :D

if he didnt have the money i am sure he would have been stuck in ajman somewhere :D

the fact is he had the money and thats why he was able to get away with it. Same goes for Shk Eissa or for other monarchs who got away with it.

herve i was just pulling ur leg old man :D but I am amsued that you got cheesed off by my reply that you went off to write a huge essay :D
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Re: And here's another version to add to the Eisa defense. Jan 22, 2010
Stylinexpat wrote:

I tried to send you a pm but it did not work..

try send an email from my website, my PM might blocked on DF
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Re: And here's another version to add to the Eisa defense. Jan 22, 2010
what...who..why ?????
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Re: And here's another version to add to the Eisa defense. Jan 23, 2010
rudeboy wrote:the fact is he had the money and thats why he was able to get away with it. Same goes for Shk Eissa or for other monarchs who got away with it.

Boy, Herve had the money to buy a boat and whatever he needed to ESCAPE. If it helped him to get away with anything, more than likely it was with his life.

Eisa - forget about the money - he is from the Royal Family - that is why he was ACQUITTED.

There are two different stories here!!! :roll:
Bora Bora
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Re: And here's another version to add to the Eisa defense. Jan 23, 2010
herve wrote:Rudeboy you always amuse me, you must be very bitter, useless and jealous in your life to bring my name in this thread and compare me to this pervert animal, a criminal who got away because the justice system is so corrupt, same crooked justice who convicted me while I was innocent and could not challenge the liars who were falsly accusing me. Give it a little time, and a US court will find me innocent and give another blow to this beduin settlement who got rich over night doing nothing.
And if I got away, yes it is thank to his brother Sheikh Khaled, he sold me one of his boats so I could escape by sea, cross the Arabian sea and reach India. Look over the internet you will find a long list of Royals who got caught doing something stupid and found themselves before a judge and punished, but never for something this awfull and extremely grave as torturing a poor man on the ground, and we know only about this one, I am sure it was not the first case, he just got caught with this one. How arrogant of you to compare Royals with centuries and centuries of bloodline, who fascionned the word as it is today, with a bunch of goat keepers who were riding camels 50 years ago and draw water from wells, with no history whatsoever, no culture, and the most anachronisitc laws in the world to maintain their control over people like you. They are not royals, they own. Ownership does not bring you good taste and good behavior.

that's a very good text there. but there is no point in arguing with those who are in golden cages fed with rich trinkets and minds controlled by those like in the tape.

though off the topic, another big blow on the picture of islam in front of the world.
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Re: And here's another version to add to the Eisa defense. Jan 23, 2010
Bora Bora wrote:
rudeboy wrote:the fact is he had the money and thats why he was able to get away with it. Same goes for Shk Eissa or for other monarchs who got away with it.

Boy, Herve had the money to buy a boat and whatever he needed to ESCAPE. If it helped him to get away with anything, more than likely it was with his life.

Eisa - forget about the money - he is from the Royal Family - that is why he was ACQUITTED.

There are two different stories here!!! :roll:

can you show me a link where it shows a member of a royal family being sent to jail for a certain crime?

can you show me how a pope or one of the cardinals from the vatican city were sent to jail for molesting the choir boys?
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Re: And here's another version to add to the Eisa defense. Jan 23, 2010
rudeboy wrote:
Bora Bora wrote:
rudeboy wrote:the fact is he had the money and thats why he was able to get away with it. Same goes for Shk Eissa or for other monarchs who got away with it.

Boy, Herve had the money to buy a boat and whatever he needed to ESCAPE. If it helped him to get away with anything, more than likely it was with his life.

Eisa - forget about the money - he is from the Royal Family - that is why he was ACQUITTED.

There are two different stories here!!! :roll:

can you show me a link where it shows a member of a royal family being sent to jail for a certain crime?

can you show me how a pope or one of the cardinals from the vatican city were sent to jail for molesting the choir boys?

Errrr, is Eisa now considered a "man of the cloth"? And there is nothing "Royal" about him. He has the title of Sheikh by virtue of being a member of the Royal Family. Other than that, he's nothing but pond scum.

You are talking apples and oranges here.
Bora Bora
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Re: And here's another version to add to the Eisa defense. Jan 23, 2010
oh god

bora bora ..let it go and try to get over it ..

for your health dear

we dont want to lose a valuable member like you
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Re: And here's another version to add to the Eisa defense. Jan 24, 2010
naruto wrote:oh god

bora bora ..let it go and try to get over it ..

for your health dear

we dont want to lose a valuable member like you

He he! u dont know her! it's good for her health to uncover beasts!!!!
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Re: And here's another version to add to the Eisa defense. Jan 24, 2010
naruto wrote:oh god

bora bora ..let it go and try to get over it ..

for your health dear

we dont want to lose a valuable member like you

Naruto, no way, no how could he have an affect on my health. He's so pathetic it's sad - in a pitiful way.

And what is it you want ME to let go of and get over??

And what is with the "dear" stuff? You, the Kid, Tom Jones - all calling me "dear". What's up with that??? I don't particularly care for it because it is condescending and I don't take kindly to it. Get me hon???? :lol:
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Re: And here's another version to add to the Eisa defense. Jan 24, 2010
rudeboy wrote:look money matters.

just ask herve how he got away in his dingy :D

if he didnt have the money i am sure he would have been stuck in ajman somewhere :D

the fact is he had the money and thats why he was able to get away with it. Same goes for Shk Eissa or for other monarchs who got away with it.

herve i was just pulling ur leg old man :D but I am amsued that you got cheesed off by my reply that you went off to write a huge essay :D

Thats what bloodsuckers get. A longggg essay around their ears. :alien: :twisted:
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Re: And here's another version to add to the Eisa defense. Jan 24, 2010
Bora Bora wrote:
naruto wrote:oh god

bora bora ..let it go and try to get over it ..

for your health dear

we dont want to lose a valuable member like you

Naruto, no way, no how could he have an affect on my health. He's so pathetic it's sad - in a pitiful way.

And what is it you want ME to let go of and get over??

And what is with the "dear" stuff? You, the Kid, Tom Jones - all calling me "dear". What's up with that??? I don't particularly care for it because it is condescending and I don't take kindly to it. Get me hon???? :lol:

Whats up dear?
sage & onion
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Re: And here's another version to add to the Eisa defense. Jan 25, 2010
sage & onion wrote:
Bora Bora wrote:
naruto wrote:oh god

bora bora ..let it go and try to get over it ..

for your health dear

we dont want to lose a valuable member like you

Naruto, no way, no how could he have an affect on my health. He's so pathetic it's sad - in a pitiful way.

And what is it you want ME to let go of and get over??

And what is with the "dear" stuff? You, the Kid, Tom Jones - all calling me "dear". What's up with that??? I don't particularly care for it because it is condescending and I don't take kindly to it. Get me hon???? :lol:

Whats up dear?

Not much sweetie.
Bora Bora
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