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Traffic & Hummers in UAE arent bad when compared to this

rudeboy &feature=related Got to feel sorry for the Iraqi people on the road who have to cope with this sort of "Terroising" day in and out :D
sage & onion They were obviously on an emergency call don't you think? catalyst This is evil .. sage & onion
But is it though, we are only being shown one side of the story, we have no idea where they were headed. rudeboy
They do this to avoid road side bombs and to make sure they get out of the city asap.
why not have sirens in their hummers?
Why not use separate roads only designated for the usa army?
WHy not just get some MONSTER trucks, so that they can drive OVER the cars and buses? :D
Why not use helicopters?
Why not just leave IRAQ?
if iraqi people have to deal with this every day, you dont think more islamic "mujahdeens" will surface?
I am an educated person, I know whats right and wrong. If this was happening to me every day I would get pissed off, so would you.
We drive in UAE and get pissed off when someone makes a "SMALL" mistake, so this is nothing compared to what Iraqi people have to deal with. catalyst
who wrote this story had written similar stories before , so we can predict .. :roll: rudeboy
the video is there for everyone to see and judge for themselves whether it is one sided or not ;) desertdudeshj These guys are just bloody morons. I recebtly saw a documentry on this. The "allied forces" basically wet their pants everytime they go out from fear of IED's and snipers and loose their minds if someone even farts on the roadside. And go uber crazy if they have to slow down or stop. Many incidents of these people opening fire and casuing casulties on civilians because they deemed they were in a potentially "dangerous situation" which basically is just an normal every day traffic jam. Bora Bora
Definitely no one knows their destination. As bad as it seems I guess the rule is - for every international branch of service - keep moving!!! Those guys aren't about to sit in traffic and wait for a light and be sitting ducks and a target. Obviously the person who caught this was in the military vehicle and in all probability was military personnel. Maybe there was a purpose for the video? capsicum I see the same behavior with Emirati drivers all the time, only they hit you with their headlights.

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i agree with you that they dont wont to be a sitting target but how about using a siren?
The purpose of the video was to show that American soilders don't give a toss about Iraqis. benwj
Or more precisly, they care more about their own life than an Iraqis car.
The only problem with this, is that by trashing the Iraqi's car, they have just created a new threat to their life and made things worse.
They should just get out and leave the Iraqi's to themselves. desertdudeshj Precisely. If you see them on a daily bases bullying and pushing around. I can bet the general Iraqi population won't have a very high opinion about them Bora Bora Its good to know that judgments can be made without knowing the facts as to what the mission was. Let's just make a judgment on the face of it. Who needs info? I agree the US and every other allied force should get out of Iraq and let the Iraqis get on to doing what they should have been doing all along. Protecting and developing their country. desertdudeshj The Mission : Well there have been many documentaries on this. And this is how mostly the Army moves about. Its not the first and only time. Sometimes it can be deemed required when transporting politicians or VIPs or passing through a know hot spot and sometimes just on regular patrol. The video clearly shows total disregard for anything Iraqi. Most of the pushing and shoving could have been easily avoided. Go about your bussiness by all means but atleast do it in a "honourable" manner. Bores I respect and usually agree with you on most point of views, but here your blind patriotism for your countrys armed forces is skewering your objective point of view. K-Dog Iraqis deserved it. I'm kinda disappointed in our military, we should've blown up all those cars. XPT it's and old video.

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