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Dubai Expat Forum - Dubai politics talk

fuck u george bush

westside f8ck u george bush
I think G.W.Bush is great person . He is always confident when he tells the world that we are winning the war against terror :lol:
There is not even a little bit shame on his face. I wish i was that confident :oops: LA I think he's a great man. :albino: westside tell me one fuckin thing tht he did for thw world other than to attck afganistan in the name of terrorism attacked iraq saying saddam had biological weapons where the hell are they wht he wanted were the oil reserves of iraq thts it hes a flithy greedy man thts wht he is jabbajabba
He managed to wound himself with a pretzel - that was kind of impressive.
Oh he can read books upside down as well - that is impressive:
How can you talk about a man like that when he gets spoken instructions from the almighty ? :) dave101 careful, you didnt specify 'which' almighty, there appear to be so many these days! plus, in a world becoming increasingly more hostile to america, George Bush, their president, the 'most powerful man on earth' proves that they are no different to us, they make mistakes, (helluva lot with him at the helm) and they dont really have any idea on what they are doing. like a child trapped in an adults body, you cant blame him, its just they way they are!

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