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Fire in Deira

St.Lucifer Did anyone else take a note of all those choppers flying around last evening? Apparently, they were all moving in n across deira.. Some passersby said there was a big fire across the that it was in Radisson SAS
You mean the hotel that is getting remodelled literally every other week? I am sure there were no alterior motives behined this one :) reviewer
Apparently none of these is in the ..this must have been one of Luci's punked stunt... :lol: :lol: :lol: St.Lucifer
Nah.. There was a small unlikned header that appeared in Khaleej times online. But i think they removed it afterwards. They'd mentioned something like the Room No. 50 where the fire originiated was completely destroyed or something like that.. Dubai is really funny.. I, like the rest of us, could even see a huge smoke coming up from the other side of creek.. but to the rest of the world its just all smoke no fire.. :|
k got it.. this is all that they've
check the first result on the list. Dubai Knight There is no such thing as bad news in DubaisneyLand! :shock: :shock: :shock: Knight sage & onion
I saw the Helicopter hovering around and we could see smoke coming from the hotel on Saturday. St.Lucifer ^^ there u go... Sagey!!! But interesting no news on any of the mediums.. so dubaish!! reviewer
Supposed to be hush-hush...tourists are listening 8) St.Lucifer Well as it turns out, the news was there in most of the leading newspapers and online. My search wasnt that good.. Thanks to someone (obviously a journo) who pointed out that the news was indeed widely covered. :oops: all that blame.. :|

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