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Dont do the stupid mistakes once i did

Mindnu well guys I lost of money in the internet in search for a home based business for almost 8 years you see I am a guy love to be home with my little once around being with our kids is a biggest reward man can get in his life time. Thanks to this business now i have archived it If your like me, you're dreaming of a way to bring in some extra cash every month. How does an extra $3095 sound? Good, right? If so, I have an exciting program for you. With a little work on your part and with the help of my TEAM we can all achieve this goal. (scroll down fill out the ticket it will take u to a short info about this business) Mind
arniegang Mindu You are trolling and spamming the forums please do not keep posting the same crap in all of them. I have deleted your posts in the forums i moderate, i have requested the rest be removed by other mods. Acebravo
Stupid mistakes indeed! so what are you a guy or Cathy 25 years old looking for a secretary job?
Can't get more stupid than that! arniegang Well spotted Acebravo nice one mate :lol: :lol: :lol: Mindnu well guys about the "girl looking for a job" is a Filipina girl met online asked me to help her to find a job that’s all i have posted it for her you can see i have attached her mail address and contact numbers. by the way Mr. moderator i have something for you. You have deleted few of my posts its ok its spam but don’t you see what im trying to promote is a business that any one can do may be its not useful to you but its useful to many poor souls. but Mr moderator what about the other post here some topics have passed several pages without any interferences with a moderator topics like prostitution, escot lady with her contact info and her business details is that okay Mr. moderator there are 1000s of similar off topic post but only mine was cached your attention how pity. Mind arniegang Mr Moderator Says : do as i say and shut up End Of ..................... :P :P :P Acebravo
Well said. That ought to shut him/her up :lol: Mindnu “Acebravo” why don’t you grow up man??? try to use some areas of your unused brain!!! Mind :lol: :lol: :lol: Acebravo
Just like you used all your atom size brain to come up with your marvel posts?? :lol:
Look up the word pathetic...that's you! 8)

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