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can i stand the heat!?

Massey On Tour hi everyone, I am a Yorkshireman born and bred, so don't get to see the sun that much. I am coming over to Dubai to work in the next month or so, but to put it mildly, i am really worried about the heat - realise everywhere is air conditioned, but can you have a life outdoors during the summer months?? cheers
dbxsoul mmmm okay, if you are not used to the heat it is possibly the worst time to arrive in dubai. it wont kill you, but it won't be pleasant. normally the british consider 35 a heat wave, i seem to remember them freaking out a few years back when it touched 40... at the moment, it is the begining of the summer season, the weather this year has been uncommonly mild and it has rained very late into the year. i see cnn forcasts showers for tomorrow. back to your question. it gets HOT, but worse than that it get humid, very humid... this saps the energy out of you, sweat pours off of you the moment you walk outdoors, and if you wear glasses your life is constanct misery de-misting them wehen you walk from a/c to outdoor. if you are working indoor a/c rules! if you are working outdoor :( to be blunt you are going to suffer! inland the air is drier and the temperature more tolerable (although it is still high). all sorts of fungal diseases and afflictions are waiting to make close aquaintnece with you ..... :) sunburn is not realy an issue, the haze caused by the humidity cuts out a lot of the uv, but creates a localised greenhouse effect!!!! the hotest i've experienced outdoor in summer if 52 deg celcius... and yes you can fry an egg on the bonnet of a car! otherwise the place is alright, some people enjoy and can handle the heat some can't and stay mainly indoors. NOT MUCH HAPPENS OUTDOORS IN SUMMER! hope this has been of use and that you are able to make it through to September, although its still hot then, its like an autumn day by comparison ... good luck :) sniper420 "If u feel hot then take off all ur clothes". That's what famous Nelly said and it works! Try it out and make sure u invite ur female friends! :lol:

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