A Better Radio Station In Dubai For Expats

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a better radio station in Dubai for expats Oct 24, 2008
This is not meant as any kind of spam, just something I think is quite good - try listening to myexpatradio on the internet, it comes out of Dubai and you’ll recognise a few of the people on it, like Rick and Daniel from Coast FM but not as your used to hearing them! There’s the completely unedited and very funny versions of Dan & Stan and there’s clever people like Jeff Price from Dubai Eye too! myexpatradio has been around for a while now, plays great music from an unlimited playlist, unlike the local FM stations and there are listeners in 47 countries now. The streaming quality is great too, this is a professional channel, part of the SGM Group, remember, they are expats just like most of you!

Dubai Expat Wannabe
Posts: 8

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