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Dubai Expat Forum - Dubai politics talk

Bush - religious fanatic?

shafique What is quite well known is the revelation that Bush claimed Divine intervention for his decision to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, and the subsequent White House denial that Bush actually made the claim. (Bush told a group of Arab politicians this in 2003, and the embarrassed White House officials had to issue a denial)
What is less well known is the revelation that he told French Pres Chirac that the invasion of Iraq was to fulfil Biblical prophecies:

It's awkward to say openly, but now-departed President Bush is a religious crackpot, an ex-drunk of small intellect who "got saved." He never should have been entrusted with power to start wars.

I note that the article ends with a lament on the cost to America in terms of lives and money, but no tear is shed for the Iraqi costs.
Bora Bora The fact that Bush has failed at everything he has ever attempted to do (read about him before he became president) comes down to one thing - he was born to fail. Bush probably thought that God was speaking to him through devine intervention - speaking through Cheney. The fact that Cheney probably told Bush that he himself was God was probably good enough for Bush. event horizon
Uhm, actually I'm referring to Bush's own subsequent denial of said claim after he left office. I understand repeating whatever you read off of the BBC and internet blogs, you must have a pretty distorted view of reality. Similarly as when you double as an expert on the New Testament but (repeatedly) make basic errors and are unable to answer a few (simple) New Testament questions (whose answers cannot easily be googled?). Red Chief
I cannot disagree. Bringing the greatest counrty in the World on the edge of bankrupcy didn't look very easy but he did it only for 8 years !!! :shock:
He is a wizard! :wink: shafique
Did you believe him when he said there were WMD's in Iraq?
Again, you appear to be living in the past and haven't apparently read beyond the first paragraph of the initial post!

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