Dubai Documentary - Contributors Needed

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Dubai Documentary - contributors needed Jul 17, 2009
Hello everyone,

I work as a researcher for a documentary company called Oxford Scientific Films. We're interested in filming a documentary about expat life in Dubai; for all of us outside of that world, the Arabic Peninsula seems a glamorous and exclusive place to be, with live-in maids, drivers, amazing high-rises and hot, hot heat.

We want to explore what life is really like for those who have moved to the Peninsula – is it what those of us back home believe, a glamorous and exciting existence? Or is it somewhere to go and make some quick cash, before returning home?

If anyone reading this would be interested in taking part please send me an email. Make sure you include a little about yourself and how you found yourself in Dubai. For example, is there is an interesting story about what brought you to Dubai? Is the reality of Dubai very different to what you imagined? Could you stay there forever, or can you not wait to come home?

My email address is jholman[at]osfaustralia[dot]com - please excuse the strange formatting, but the forum rules don't allow me to put my regular email address in the space.

Cheers, Julia

Julia Holman
UAE, Dubai Forum starter
Posts: 1

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