How Did I Lose 8 Kilos In 9 Days

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How did I lose 8 kilos in 9 Days Jan 05, 2016
I weigh 85 kilograms and I really want to lose weight due to several reasons. It is difficult to tie the knots of my shoes, my knees ache when I jog or run even for 30 minutes, I could not walk for long in the malls due to back pain, I always feel tired and catches my breath when doing minor physical exercise and suffered for major back pain while driving long distance.

Please click below My Weight Loss Journey

Dubai Expat Wannabe
Posts: 6
Location: AE

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Re: How Did I Lose 8 Kilos In 9 Days Jan 05, 2016
85 KG is not that much. I weigh 95 KG and I don't have the problems you describe.
Dubai Forum Admin
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Re: How Did I Lose 8 Kilos In 9 Days Jan 06, 2016
Yes Andyba but my Height is not proportional with my weight. I am already excess of 20 kilos :)
Dubai Expat Wannabe
Posts: 6
Location: AE

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